
来源:百度文库 编辑:查人人中国名人网 时间:2024/07/14 09:46:14
this is really a very fast game, the fastest I have seen so far this year. Both sides are figthting for the ball all the time.The crowd enjoy every minute of it . They're shouting at the tops of their voices.
Willis has the ball now. This is only his third game for Scotland,but he's playing so well that it won't be his last, I'm quite sure
Wills passes the ball to Cotton. Cotton kicks it over the heads of the waiting Frevchmen,towards the goal-mouth.But he's too far alway. Dupont picks it up easily , and thriows it to Patou ,out on the left.
France and Scotland still have one goal each and there are only two minutes left in the game. but in that time , anything can happen . Qatou kicks the ball with the side of his head .But Meunieer is there, he passes it to Crozat, and Crozat,without waiting a second, puts the ball into the back of the goal . It takes everybody by surprise .I've never seen a goal like ti
and the game is over . France has won the cup

Willis 把球传给Cotton,Cotton把球踢过了等待着的Frevchmen的头顶,球飞向球门,但是他太远了,Dupont轻易地得到了球,然后把它传给在左边的Patou。在比赛只剩下两分中的时候,法国和苏格兰仍然各进一球。但是在这个时候,任何事都有可能发生。Qatou用头顶了一下球,但是Meunieer在那儿,他把球传给了Crozat,Crozat立即起脚,把球踢入了球门。这使大家惊呆了,我从来没有看到过这样的进球。比赛结束,法国获得的奖杯
