
来源:百度文库 编辑:查人人中国名人网 时间:2024/10/06 06:03:32

Tonya Mitchell-《Stay》

I've must have been blind 我一定瞎了
Not to see you look away from me没看到你离我而去
Whenever you say无论你何时说:
“you love me still"你仍然深爱着我
I must have been crazy我一定疯了
Not to see you slip away from me没有看到你从我身边擦肩而过
Day after day there's a space to fill日复一日,生命中有空白需要填补
And i can't find the words,但我找不到(合适的)词汇
to make you fall in love with me again让你重新爱上我
And ican't find the strength to let you go oh oh但我也找不到放走你的力量
And when it's all said and done,you'll be the only one当所有的话都说了,所有该做的都做了,你依然是唯一的
Even if there's nothing left for us to say即使我们已经没有任何话要说
As sure as the sun will rise i cann ever saygoodbye但可以肯定的是,正如太阳一定会升起,我永远也无法说再见
Even when we go are separate ways即使我们即将走向不同的道路
In my heart you'll always stay你将永驻在我心中
Ooh oh哦。。。。。。
Been spending my time花费着我的时间
Trying to remind you of our love试着去想起你,和我们之间的爱情
But you're pulling away with every touch不过每次我想触碰你,你都拒绝了
With all we've been through就像每次我们经历的那样
I'd never thought i'd be losing you我从未意识到你会离我而去
And i would give everything to keep you here否则我会做一切来留下你
But i can't (but i can't)但我不能
find the words to make you fall in love with me again找到合适的话语来让你重新爱上我
I,i, i still believe our love meant to be oh,我。。。。仍然相信我们的爱依然存在
And it will be here forever come one day(come,one,day)oohohoh它将在这里永存,直到永远。哦。。。。。
Can you see? i love you faithfully oh yeh你发现了吗,我忠诚地爱着你
And one day i'm telling you i find away to get back to me ooh有一天我会告诉你,我找到了让你回来的路
And when it's all said and done,you'll be the only one(said and done)当所有该说的都说了,该做的都做了,你仍然是唯一的你
Oooh,nothing lef tto say呕。。。。。。没什么需要说的了
Even if we go separate ways即使我们将走想不同的路

Mad World(Alex Parks)(阿桑的“寂寞在歌唱”翻唱过)

What If She’s An Angel


i lay my love on you

演唱者Sarah McLachlan

see you see me

辣妹合唱团spice girls--goodbye
