
来源:百度文库 编辑:查人人中国名人网 时间:2024/10/05 10:51:40
I think it is fair to sum up the prevailing attitude of businessmen on ethics as follows:
We live in what is probably the most competitive of the world’s civilized societies. Our customers encourage a high degree of aggression in the individual’s striving for success. Business is our main area of competition, and it has been ritualized into a game strategy. The basic rules of the game have been set by the government, which attempts to detect and punish business frauds. But as long as a company does not transgress the rules of the game get by law, it has the legal right to shape its strategy without reference to anything but its profits. If it takes a long-term view of its profits, it will preserve amicable relations, so far as possible, with those with whom it deals. A wise businessman will not seek advantage to the point where he generates dangerous hostility among employees, competitors, customers, government, or the public at large. But decisions in this area are, in the final test, decisions of strategy, not of ethics.
If a man plans to take a seat in the business game, he owes it to himself to master the principles by which the game is played, including its special ethical outlook. He can then hardly fail to recognize that an occasional bluff may well be justified in terms of the game’s ethics and warranted in terms of economic necessity. Once he clears his mind on this point, he is in a good position to match his strategy against that of the other players. He can then determine objectively whether a bluff in a given situation has a good chance of succeeding and can decide when and how to bluff, without a feeling of ethical transgression.
To be a winner, a man must play to win. This does not mean that he must be ruthless, cruel, harsh, or treacherous. On the contrary, the better his reputation for integrity, honesty, and decency, the better is chances of victory will be in the long run. But from time to time every businessman, like every poker player, is offered a choice between certain loss or bluffing within the legal rules of the game. If he is not resigned to losing, if he wants to rise in his company and industry, then in such a crisis he will bluff-and bluff hard.
Every now and then one meets a successful businessman who has conveniently forgotten the small or large deceptions that he practiced on his way to fortune. “God gave me my money,” old john D.Rockefeller once piously told a Sunday school class. It would be a rare tycoon in our time who would risk the horse laugh with which such a remark would be greeted.
In the last third of the twentieth century even children are aware that if a man has become prosperous in business, he has sometimes departed from the strict truth in order to overcome obstacles or has practiced more the form of the bluff, it is an integral part of the game, and the executive who does not master its techniques is not likely to accumulate much money or power.

我们在或许是世界的文明社会的最竞争的东西居住。 我们的客户鼓励个体的进攻一个高的程度为成功努力。 生意是我们的竞争主要的区域,而且它进入一个游戏策略之内已经被使仪式化。游戏的基本规则藉着政府已经是放置,尝试发现并且处罚生意欺骗。 但是只要一家公司不违背游戏的规则经过法律,它有合法的权利塑造对决不它的利润没有叁考的它策略。 如果它占据它的利润长期的视野,它将会保护友善的关系,到现在为止同样地可能, 藉由它处理的那些。 一个明智的商人将不寻求对他产生在职员,竞争者,客户,政府或民众之中的危险敌意的点利益自由自在的。 但是在最后的测试 , 策略的决定中的这一个区域的决定,不是道德规范。
如果一个男人计划在生意游戏中坐 , 他对他自己亏欠它征服原则被哪一游戏被玩, 包括它的特别伦理的景色。他然后无法没有一个偶然的断崖以游戏的被证明道德规范并且以经济的需要口吻保证。 一经他清除在这点方面的他思想,他是在一个好位置中其他运动员相配他的策略对抗那。 他然后能客观地决定是否在一种给定的情形中的一个断崖有成功的好机会和能决定何时和该如何吓唬,没有伦理的违反感觉。
为了要当胜利者,一个男人一定玩赢得。 这不意谓他一定是无情的,残酷的,粗糙的,或叛逆的。 在相反者身上, 比较好的他名誉为正直,诚实和得体, 愈比较好是胜利的机会将会是最后。 但是偶尔每个商人 , 像每个扑克牌运动员,在游戏的合法规则里面被提供在某损失之间的选择或吓唬。如果如果他在他的公司和工业中升,他对失败没被辞职, 那么在一个如此他将会吓唬的危机中- 和努力地的断崖。
偶尔一遇见一个已经方便地忘记的成功商人那小的或他在前往财富的途中练习的大骗局。 "上帝给予我我的钱,"旧的 john D。洛克菲勒一次虔诚地一个星期日学校班级。 它会在我们的会用哪一一个如此评论会被致敬冒马笑的危险时间中是稀罕的企业界的大亨。
在二十的世纪最后一最后一第三平坦的孩子中是知道的如果一个男人已经在生意方面变得繁荣, 他有时有过去的从在次序的严厉事实克服障碍或已经练习更多断崖的形式,它是游戏的一个整体的部份,而且不征服它的技术主管累积很多的钱或力量不有可能的。