
来源:百度文库 编辑:查人人中国名人网 时间:2024/10/06 20:02:40
本论文通过对《枕草子》作品中出现的男性进行分类、分析、总结,并结合作者的生平及时代背景等,论述作者清少纳言的男性观。 本论文将作品中出现的男性形象分为两大类“生かす男”和“卑しげな男”,接着根据作品概括分析具体的“生かす男”和“卑しげな男”形象。再结合作者的出身地位、家庭情况和所受教育以及进宫后侍奉中宫定子时所受宫廷审美意识的影响及奉职地位,指出作者确实存在严重的官位崇拜。但是这种崇拜是在当时的时代局限和社会风尚的影响下所形成的。我们更应该看到作者对知识分子的赞赏和对男性性格的重视。作者可以超越当时的时代局限,赞赏男性的学识和心性,这种意识在当时来说是一种先进意识,闪耀着人性的光辉。

The present paper through the male which in the work appears to "Pillow Chinese milk vetch" carries on the classification, the analysis, the summary, the parallel connection collaborator's biography and the time background and so on, elaborates the author clear few natrium word masculine view. The present paper the masculine image which appears the work in divides into two big kinds "to live か す male" and "inferior し げ な male", then concrete "lives か す male" and "inferior し げ な male" the image according to the work summary analysis. After the recombination author's family background status, the family situation and receive educates as well as enters the palace serves when the palace stator receives the palace esthetic consciousness the influence and is appointed to an official post the status, pointed out the author has the serious official position worship truly. But this kind of worship was forms in then time limitation and under the social prevailing custom influence. We should see to the author to intellectual's appreciation and the masculine disposition value. The author might surmount then time limitation, the appreciation masculine knowledge and the disposition, this kind of consciousness in said at that time was one kind of advanced consciousness, was sparkling the human nature glory.
Key word: "Pillow Chinese milk vetch", "Clear Few Natrium Word", masculine view, official position worship, human nature glory