
来源:百度文库 编辑:查人人中国名人网 时间:2024/10/06 00:38:40
1. 合理分工宝洁和其他渠道成员之间,根据各自的长处来确定职能分工.2.一体化营销,降低渠道成员冲突为了减少渠道冲突,增加渠道的可控度,宝洁意识到与渠道成员建立长期合作伙伴关系的重要性,一体化营销改造计划就是为适应宝洁的要求而设计的合作方式。3.零售商教育政策.宝洁对经销商实行的是一体化营销改造计划,而对于数目众多的零售商则实行的是教育政策。4.共享信息 宝洁营销渠道的合作方式,倾向于渠道成员之间的信息共享。

The valuable clean success marketing strategy, causes it to obtain arrogant person's result in the Chinese market, among, the valuable clean company in the channel management is between the attention and the dealer the partnership establishment, mainly from the rational division of labor, the integrated marketing transformation, carries on the education to the retail merchant, as well as information sharing and so on four aspects launches.
1. rational divisions of labor valuable are clean and between other channel members, according to respective strong point determined the function division of labor 2. integration marketing, reduces the channel member to conflict in order to reduce the channel conflict, increases the channel the controllability, valuably cleanly realizes with the channel member establishes the long-term partner relations the importance, the integrated marketing transformation plan is for adapts the cooperation way which the valuable clean request but designs. 3. retail merchants educations policyValuable cleanly implements to the dealer is the integrated marketing transformation plan, but regarding number multitudinous retail merchant then implements educates the policy. 4. sharing information valuable clean marketing channel cooperation way, favors between channel member's information sharing.