药学专业课程:需要翻译 英文短篇——5

来源:百度文库 编辑:查人人中国名人网 时间:2024/10/05 20:08:34
The fact that the shop started modestly and unambitiously , not for of invited well- designed products from all over Ireland ,gave it an advantage . It had to grow organically in response to real customer demands, with all that implies in the way of consumer and commercial pressures and restraints, At first barely 150 square metres behind the windows facing the castle were assigned to the shop , with a similar area for exhibiting prototypes and models.

This latter area changed for a while into a demonstration room in an effort to free the workshops of their constant stream of visitors .One silversmith hammered away and would stop to talk with visitors
结尾缺少一部分 翻译到最后停止好了 谢谢

事实上,这个店铺开始的时候不是期望很高,并没有邀请来自全爱尔兰的精英精心设计产品,并占有优势. 它只是在客户实际需求的时候才供货,还承受着消费者和商业同行的压力和限制。起初仅150平方米,它背后窗户面向城堡,作为车间,与同行一样有展出原型和模型的地方.

这一区域是后来才改的,成为展示室,以满足经常到访的游客的需要. 里面的银匠要是见到游客也很乐意放下手里的锤子和游客交谈。