上海迪士尼tron时速:secrecy agreement

来源:百度文库 编辑:查人人中国名人网 时间:2024/07/11 16:16:02
secrecy agreement 指什么 越详细越好


A secrecy agreement could be a document you might sign when you work at a place. You agree to keep what you do at work secret, in other words you cannot discuss it outside of work, or copy material outside of work. There may be a penalty in the agreement if you break this agreement.

Usually it is called a confidentiality agreement Maybe the Chinese is 密密契约.

From an Australiab website:


A trade secret is both a type of IP and a strategy for protecting your IP. It can provide effective protection for some technologies, proprietary knowledge (know-how), confidential information and other forms of IP.

A confidentiality agreement is often used to stop employees from revealing your secret or proprietary knowledge during and after their employment or association with your business.

Make sure you back up your trade secret with signed confidentiality agreements with every person who has knowledge of the secret.
If an agreement is breached, you will have evidence of what was agreed and protection through the law.

When is a trade secret strategy appropriate?
Perhaps your IP is unlikely to result in a registrable right, or maybe you want to retain exclusive use beyond the term of a patent.

A trade secret strategy is appropriate when it\'s difficult to copy the construction, manufacturing process or formulation from the product itself; that is when reverse engineering is unlikely.

Be aware
Secrecy does not stop anyone else from inventing the same product or process independently and exploiting it commercially. It does not give you exclusive rights and you are vulnerable when employees with this knowledge leave your firm.

Trade secrets are difficult to maintain over longer periods or when a larger number of people are made privy to the secret.

Proving a breach of confidentiality under common law can be complex and is potentially more costly than defending registered rights.

Ask contractors and employees to provide written undertakings not to compete with your business after they leave in addition to signing a confidentiality agreement. It is often much easier to prove this than to prove breach of confidentiality. These undertakings, however, are difficult to enforce and need to be prepared by your legal adviser, as you need to be careful that the undertaking does not restrict the contractor\'s or employee\'s right to earn a living.
What if someone infringes my trade secret?
Common law provides protection for infringement of trade secrets, breach of confidentiality agreements and passing off trade marks.


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以上secrecy agreement 意思是“保密协议”,即相互保证保守机密、不泄露某事、建立攻守同盟等等之类的。

如果换成 secret agreement,其意思只是“秘密协定”,表示某协议的签署没有被公开而已。


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secrecy agreement 意思是“保密协议”,主要用于合作或合资的双方签订以保护知识产权。