
来源:百度文库 编辑:查人人中国名人网 时间:2024/10/06 00:32:45
请不要逃避我的爱Please do not evade my love

词作者:魏宗金[快乐王子]Phrase author: Joyful prince

我爱你I love you
不要逃避Do not evade
我会永远地追寻着你的足迹I will make track for your footprint forever
你永远也逃不出我的心灵Forever you also could not escape my mind
请不要逃避,好好的面对自己Please do not evade, face the oneself thoroughly
面对真正到来的真心Face the real arrival sincerely
你是否明白我是多么的爱你Whether you understand or not I love you how
我的心中也只有你的栖息地Also only have your habitat in my heart

请不要在逃避Please do not in the elusion
避开我的真心Avert from me sincerely
心中永远都有你的栖息地All have your habitat forever in the heart
地球也在为你转动The Earth also at turn to move for you
动态世界我永远都只爱你The dynamic state world I all love you only forever
你是我的生命You are my life
命中注定要和你在一起Inning the clout to destine to want are together with you
起伏不停的心在不断地呼唤着你Rise and fall the continuously heart at call you constantly
你永远都是我的最爱You are all my favorite forever
爱你的人在等待Love your person at wait for
等待着你的回来Wait for you come back
来到我的身旁Arrive at my body side
旁听我的真心Audit me sincerely
心中在默默地说爱你In the heart at say silently that love you
爱你Love you
永远地爱着你!Love you forever
你最美丽我最爱你You are most beautiful I love most you
亲爱的你不要在逃避Dear you do not want to be in the elusion
逃避离开我的真心The elusion leaves me sincerely
美丽的你请不要逃避Beauty of you please do not evade
逃避聪明的自己Evade the intelligent oneself
我最爱的你请不要逃避I love most of you please do not evade
逃避这充满浪漫的世界Evade this is filled with the romantic world
我最爱你I love most you
我最爱的人是你! Person whom I love most is you
我永永远远都爱你Always I all love you far forever





ABC22048 呀``