教具公司起什么名字:脑筋急转弯 之 20

来源:百度文库 编辑:查人人中国名人网 时间:2024/10/05 23:42:09
A man and his son were in an automobile accident. The man died on the way to the hospital, but the boy was rushed into surgery. The emergency room surgeon said "I can't operate, that's my son!" How is this possible?

The surgeon is the boy's mother.

一个男人和他的儿子是在汽车意外事件中。 男人在前往医院的途中死,但是男孩进入外科手术之内被匆促。 急诊室外科医生说 " 我不能操作,那是我的儿子 "! 这如何可能的?
这是爷爷爸爸与孙子的关系 所以.....
