
来源:百度文库 编辑:查人人中国名人网 时间:2024/10/04 17:19:16
笛福(Daniel Defoe, 1660~1731),英国作家。1660年生于伦敦一小工商业者家庭,1731年4月26日卒于莫尔福德。幼时只受过普通中等教育。早年曾经商,办工厂,后办报刊出版政治读物并参与党派政治斗争,长年奔走于英格兰和苏格兰各地了解舆论情况,因文字两次获罪,年近花甲其小说创作才进入盛期,第一部小说《鲁宾孙飘流记》是代表作,也是英国近代小说的开山之作。这部以同名主人公航海冒险、开发荒岛为主要内容的长篇小说,反映了英国殖民时期的生活、道德和理想,发表后立即成为家喻户晓的流行读物。他还为这部小说写过两部续集,以及长篇小说《辛格顿船长》、《摩尔·弗兰德斯》、《雅克上校》、《富有的姘妇》(又名《罗克萨娜》),在思想内容和艺术技巧上都缺乏《鲁宾孙飘流记》那样的独创性。除小说外,他还写有国内外旅行游记、人物传记及其他纪实性作品《聋哑仆人坎贝尔传》、《彼得大帝纪》、《新环球游记》、《不列颠全岛纪游》、《瘟疫年纪事》等,以及有关经商贸易的著作。

Whistle blessing(Daniel Defoe,1660~1731), British writer.BE livinged in one small industry and business operator's family in London in 1660, on April 26,1731 卒 in the blessing of 莫尔 is virtuous.Young hour once was subjected to common secondary education.Early years ever company, did factory, behind ran a newspaper to publish a version politics read a thing and participated a party groupings political conflict, was rushed about in regularly England and Scotch everyplace understood a public opinion circumstance, because the writing offended twice, the year was just near to spend AN its novel creations to got into a prosperous period, the first novel 《Rubin's floated to flow to record 》is a representative work, is also British modern age novel of opened mountain it make.This with together host male voyage adventure, development waste island is the novel of main contents, reflect England colonize period life, morals and ideal, after announcing immediately become widely known of the fad read a thing.He returned to this novel to once write two sequels, and novel 《hot space captain 》, 《摩尔 ·the 弗 orchid virtuous 斯》, 《雅 gram colonel 》, 《full of mistress 》 (again 《 gram 萨娜》), lack in thoughting contents and art technique and all 《Rubin's float to flow to record 》so of unique.In addition to novel, he still writes a domestic and international trip to swim to record, person biography and other Jises solid sex work 《the deaf and dumb servant hole shell 尔 spread 》, 《Peter, big 帝 Ji, 》, 《lately round-the-world swim to record 》, 《the Britain whole island Ji swim 》, 《epidemic age matter 》etc., and relevant work which goes into business trade.
