小学数学刊物:what does this sentence mean

来源:百度文库 编辑:查人人中国名人网 时间:2024/10/05 08:15:58
Integrity must be felt and lived. But these don’t substitute for a well-run business—for strategies that stretch, for risks that are managed and become rewards, for disciplined and predictable execution. Good governance cannot fix a lousy business. Bad governance can ruin a great business,


正直必须感觉和居住。但这些不替代品对于很好跑事务为舒展的战略, 为被处理和成为奖励的风险, 为被磨练的和可预测的施行。好统治无法固定糟糕的事务。坏统治可能破坏巨大事务,
