
来源:百度文库 编辑:查人人中国名人网 时间:2024/10/06 17:34:15
Nevertheless, the dream persisted. I wanted to write books. When Wayne and I married and had our four children in quick succession, it was easy to stuff my dreams into the future with a long list of justifications and excuses. Then a dear cousin died suddenly. It felt as if God was saying to me that if I was ever going to write, the time was now. Life is short. Get started.

然而,梦从未停止。我想写好多好多的书。我跟韦恩结婚后, 一口气生了四个孩子,所以我用一长串的借口和托辞轻易地把自己的那些梦想一拖再拖。直到我的一个心爱的堂兄弟的猝死,让我感到上帝仿佛在指点我, 如果真想写书的话,就应该从现在开始. 人生短促. 立即行动吧.
