
来源:百度文库 编辑:查人人中国名人网 时间:2024/09/30 00:27:18
The key point here is the level of involvement of the target audience.If vehicle ads are aimed at people intending to buy a new car in the next two or three months,then these people are likely to be highly involved.However,about one-third of all new-car purchases are made by people who did not intend to buy a car but were overtaken by events.These include those whose old car suddenly gives them problems,and the growing number of people who separate from their pouse and find a need for another car.Such people are likely to be low-involved at the time of exposure to the advertising----at least up to the point when the ‘need’ is triggered by the unforeseen event.



重点这里是目标听众的牵涉水平。如果车辆广告被瞄准在未来的二或三个月内想要买一辆新的汽车人,然后这些人可能高度地是有关的 .但是,有关所有新- 汽车购买中的三分之的事被没有想要买一辆汽车但是被事件赶上了的人进行。这些包括那些 , 旧的汽车突然给他们问题 , 和从他们的 肢势 分开,而且找对另外的一辆汽车的需要人成长数字。如此的人可能是在对广告的暴露时候被牵涉的低---- 至少向上扼要当‘需要'被无法预料的事件引起。