
来源:百度文库 编辑:查人人中国名人网 时间:2024/10/05 22:09:35

Red-and-green macaw (这是正式的英语名字)is mainly distributed in the Central America,east of Panama,Argentina,Bolivia,Paraguay,etc.The amount of it rapidly decreased because of havoc of the habitat , illegal hunt and illegal deal.

The red green wheat bird is distributed in the middle and southern American,East panamanian,Argentina,Bolivia and baraguay and other places,It is drops fast because of hunting and making illegal deal by persons who destroy seriously and hunt unlawflly illegally in the habiat

Rampant Mai birds mainly Central and South America, Panama eastern Argentina, Bolivia and Paraguay, its habitat has been severely damaged due to the number of illegal poaching and the illegal trade and hunting for the rapid decline