
来源:百度文库 编辑:查人人中国名人网 时间:2024/10/02 20:25:25
5. 具备扎实的计算机基础,精通 Windows98/2000/XP操作系统,熟悉Unix,Linux操作系统;
6. 熟悉Flash、3dsmax图形处理软件以及熟练使用Office办公软件
在校经历:1. 任院数学建模协会技术部长:负责协会技术方面的工作,组织学术讲座,有力的支持了学院在全国数模竞赛上获得较好的成绩;
2. 任校学生会体育部长:负责全院体育活动的组织策划及配合学校各种大型活动,组织策划了多次体育运动周及体育运动月;
3. 任校通讯记者:负责校内热点新闻追踪,专题专刊报道。
专业技能 能力 1. 在麦普数码科技公司从事公司OA系统的各个模块测试、服务器配置、二次开发;
2. 在数模协会任职期间,负责协会网站的建设及维护工作;
社会实践 1. 2005年7月-9月在麦普数码科技有限公司实习,参加办公自动化系统的测试及二次开发;
2. 2003年6月在成都数码广场参加华硕主板促销活动,负责产品推广策划;
3. 2004年7至9月在娃哈哈集团成都办事处兼职促销工作
个人素养 为人诚实守信、热情开朗、自信执著、有较强的组织管理以及沟通协调能力、 新知识的学习能力和环境适应能力强、有良好的团队协作精神、具备科学的时间管理以获得高效率的能力。

1. control the basic concept, principle, process and methods of the software engineering
2. have the language of C, C++ the plait distance practices to weave the distance ability with basic software;
3. the well-trained applied Matlab carries on mathematics to set up the mold and analysises to the problem;
4. control the database development principle and language of JavaScripts;
5. Have the firm calculator foundation, master in the operate system of Windows98/2000/ XP, acquaint with the Unix, operate system of Linux;
6. Acquaint with the Flash, the software and well-trained usage Offices of the 3 dsmax sketch processings transact the software
In the career of the school:1. Mathematics that allows the hospital sets up the mold association technique minister:Be responsible for the work of the association technique, organize the academic academic chair, supported the few mold of college at whole country contest emolliently up be compare good of result;
2. Allow the school student association athletics minister:Be responsible for organization plan and various large activity in the match schools of the athletics activity of the whole hospital, organize to plan many athletics sport week and athletics sport month;
3. Allow the school communication reporter:Be responsible for a little bit hot news in school track, the special subject special issue report way.
Professional technical ability ability 1. Be engaged in a test, server of each mold of the company OA system to install and develop two times in the 麦普 figures science and technology company;
2. Work the period in the few mold association, be responsible for the construction of the association website and support the work;
The society practice 1. July of 2005- September in the 麦普 figures science and technology limited company practice, attend the test of transact the automation and develop two times;
2. In June 2003 at become all the figures square attends the main plank of Ansus promotion activity, be responsible for the product expansion plan;
3. July of 2004 go to become in the 娃哈 哈 group September all office part-time promotion work
Personal cultivated manners behavior honesty keep promise, the enthusiasm is bright, the self-confidence keeps the 著 and has the stronger organization management and communicates the study ability and the environment orientation abilities that coordination ability, new information know strong, have the good team to help to make the spirit and have the time management of science to acquire the high-efficiency ability.