
来源:百度文库 编辑:查人人中国名人网 时间:2024/10/06 20:54:46

熏衣草山的暴徒 The Lavender Hill Mob(1951)

罗马假日 Roman Holiday(1953)

龙凤配 Sabrina (1954)

战争与和平 War and Peace(1956)

黄昏之恋 Love in the Afternoon(1957)

甜姐儿 Funny Face(1957)

绿厦 Green Mansions(1959)

修女传The Nun's Story(1959)

不可饶恕的人/恩怨情天 The Unforgiven(1960)

孩子们的时刻/双妹怨The Children's Hour(1961)

第凡尼早餐 Breakfast at Tiffany's(1961)


窈窕淑女My Fair Lady(1964)

愤怒的巴黎/巴黎假期 Paris - When It Sizzles(1964)

如何偷到一百万/偷龙转凤 How to Steal a Million(1966)

二人同路/盲女惊魂记Two for the Road(1967)

等到天黑/丽人行Wait Until Dark(1967)



英文名:Audrey Hepburn
星座:金牛座 身高:5' 7"



奥黛丽·赫本(Audrey Hepburn)
直到永远 Always (1989)

Directed by William Wyler (1986)

哄堂大笑 They All Laughed (1981)

朱门血痕 Bloodline (1979)

罗宾汉与玛莉安 Robin and Marian (1976)
丽人行 Two for the Road (1967)
盲女惊魂记 Wait Until Dark (1967)
偷龙转凤 How to Steal a Million (1966)
Love Goddesses, The (1965)
窈窕淑女 My Fair Lady (1964)
巴黎假期 Paris - When It Sizzles (1964)
谜中迷/花都奇缘结良缘/儿戏 Charade (1963)
新恋爱经 New Kind of Love, A (1963)
第凡内早餐 Breakfast at Tiffany's (1961)
双姝怨 Children's Hour, The (1961)
恩怨情天 Unforgiven, The (1960)
翠谷香魂 Green Mansions (1959)
修女传 Nun's Story, The (1959)
甜姐儿 Funny Face (1957)
黄昏之恋 Love in the Afternoon (1957)
战争与和平 War and Peace (1956)
龙凤配 Sabrina (1954)
罗马假日/罗马假期/金枝玉叶 Roman Holiday (1953)
双姝艳 Secret People, The (1952)
Laughter in Paradise (1951)
拉凡德山的暴徒/械劫装甲车/横财过眼/薰衣草山的暴徒 Lavender Hill Mob, The (1951)


达芬奇密码/达文西密码 The Da Vinci Code (2006)

粉红豹 The Pink Panther (2006)

Flushed Away (2006)

Flyboys (2006)

Margaret (2006)

豺狼帝国/残骸密码 Empire des loups, L' (2005)

Tigre e la neve, La (2005)

卢旺达饭店 Hotel Rwanda (2004)

暗流2:末日天使/赤色追缉令:末日审判 Rivières pourpres 2 - Les anges de l'apocalypse, Les (2004)

Onimusha 3 (2004)

Enquête corse, L' (2004)

请你闭嘴 Tais-toi! (2003)

Revealed: The Making of 'La Femme Nikita' (2003)

极速风暴 Rollerball (2002)

Décalage horaire (2002)

Un jour dans la vie du cinéma français (2002)
时光隧道 Just Visiting (2001)
绿芥刑警/极速追杀令 Wasabi (2001)
暗流/赤色追缉令 Rivières pourpres, Les (2000)
MTV Europe Music Awards 2000 (2000)
The Book That Wrote Itself (1999)
浪人/冷血悍将 Ronin (1998)
哥斯拉 Godzilla (1998)
时空急转弯 2 Couloirs du temps: Les visiteurs 2, Les (1998)
排队上天堂 Roseanna's Grave (1997)
Soeurs soleil, Les (1997)
魔恋 Un amour de sorcière (1997)
碟中碟/不可能的任务/职业特工队 Mission: Impossible (1996)
豹神 Jaguar, Le (1996)
法兰西之吻 French Kiss (1995)
云上的日子 Al di là delle nuvole (1995)
这个杀手不太冷/终极追杀令/杀手莱昂 Léon (1994)
时空急转弯 Visiteurs, Les (1993)
飞天红猪侠 Kurenai no buta (1992)
Opération Corned-Beef, L' (1991)
霹雳煞 Nikita (1990)
碧海蓝天 Grand bleu, Le (1988)
魔恋 I Love You (1986)
地下铁 Subway (1985)
Téléphone sonne toujours deux fois, Le (1985)
我们的故事 Notre histoire (1984)
最后决战 Dernier combat, Le (1983)
Passante du Sans-Souci, La (1982)
Clair de femme (1979)

奥黛丽·赫本(Audrey Hepburn)
直到永远 Always (1989)

Directed by William Wyler (1986)

哄堂大笑 They All Laughed (1981)

朱门血痕 Bloodline (1979)

罗宾汉与玛莉安 Robin and Marian (1976)
丽人行 Two for the Road (1967)
盲女惊魂记 Wait Until Dark (1967)
偷龙转凤 How to Steal a Million (1966)
Love Goddesses, The (1965)
窈窕淑女 My Fair Lady (1964)
巴黎假期 Paris - When It Sizzles (1964)
谜中迷/花都奇缘结良缘/儿戏 Charade (1963)
新恋爱经 New Kind of Love, A (1963)
第凡内早餐 Breakfast at Tiffany's (1961)
双姝怨 Children's Hour, The (1961)
恩怨情天 Unforgiven, The (1960)
翠谷香魂 Green Mansions (1959)
修女传 Nun's Story, The (1959)
甜姐儿 Funny Face (1957)
黄昏之恋 Love in the Afternoon (1957)
战争与和平 War and Peace (1956)
龙凤配 Sabrina (1954)
罗马假日/罗马假期/金枝玉叶 Roman Holiday (1953)
双姝艳 Secret People, The (1952)
Laughter in Paradise (1951)
拉凡德山的暴徒/械劫装甲车/横财过眼/薰衣草山的暴徒 Lavender Hill Mob, The (1951)


达芬奇密码/达文西密码 The Da Vinci Code (2006)

粉红豹 The Pink Panther (2006)

Flushed Away (2006)

Flyboys (2006)

Margaret (2006)

豺狼帝国/残骸密码 Empire des loups, L' (2005)

Tigre e la neve, La (2005)

卢旺达饭店 Hotel Rwanda (2004)

暗流2:末日天使/赤色追缉令:末日审判 Rivières pourpres 2 - Les anges de l'apocalypse, Les (2004)

Onimusha 3 (2004)

Enquête corse, L' (2004)

请你闭嘴 Tais-toi! (2003)

Revealed: The Making of 'La Femme Nikita' (2003)

极速风暴 Rollerball (2002)

Décalage horaire (2002)

Un jour dans la vie du cinéma français (2002)
时光隧道 Just Visiting (2001)
绿芥刑警/极速追杀令 Wasabi (2001)
暗流/赤色追缉令 Rivières pourpres, Les (2000)
MTV Europe Music Awards 2000 (2000)
The Book That Wrote Itself (1999)
浪人/冷血悍将 Ronin (1998)
哥斯拉 Godzilla (1998)
时空急转弯 2 Couloirs du temps: Les visiteurs 2, Les (1998)
排队上天堂 Roseanna's Grave (1997)
Soeurs soleil, Les (1997)
魔恋 Un amour de sorcière (1997)
碟中碟/不可能的任务/职业特工队 Mission: Impossible (1996)
豹神 Jaguar, Le (1996)
法兰西之吻 French Kiss (1995)
云上的日子 Al di là delle nuvole (1995)
这个杀手不太冷/终极追杀令/杀手莱昂 Léon (1994)
时空急转弯 Visiteurs, Les (1993)
飞天红猪侠 Kurenai no buta (1992)
Opération Corned-Beef, L' (1991)
霹雳煞 Nikita (1990)
碧海蓝天 Grand bleu, Le (1988)
魔恋 I Love You (1986)
地下铁 Subway (1985)
Téléphone sonne toujours deux fois, Le (1985)
我们的故事 Notre histoire (1984)
最后决战 Dernier combat, Le (1983)
Passante du Sans-Souci, La (1982)
Clair de femme (1979)

年份 片名 扮演角色
1951 Laughter in Paradise Cigarette girl
1951 Nous Irons a Monte Carlo(We Will Go to Monte Carlo) Melissa Walter
1951 One Wild Oat Extra
1951 The Lavender Hill Mob Chiquita

1952 Secret People Nora Brentano
1953 Roman Holiday Princess Anne

1953 Monte, Carlo Baby Linda Farrel
1954 Young Wives' Tale Eve Lester
1954 Sabrina Sabrina Fairchild

1956 War and Peace Natasha

1957 Love in the Afternoon Ariane Chavasse

1957 Funny Face Jo Stockton

1959 Green Mansions Rima

1959 The Nun's Story Gabrielle Van Der Mal

1960 The Unforgiven Rachel Zachary

1961 Breakfast at Tiffany's Holly Golightly

1961 The Children's Hour Karen Wright

1963 Charade Regina Lampert

1964 My Fair Lady Eliza Doolittle

1964 Paris When It Sizzles Gabrielle Simpson

1966 How to Steal a Million Nicole Bonnet

1967 Two for the Road Joanna Wallace

1967 Wait Until Dark Susy Hendrix

1976 Robin and Marian Maid Marian

1979 Bloodline Elizabeth Roffe

1981 They All Laughed Angela Niotes

1986 Directed by William Wyler [doc] Audrey Hepburn

1986 AFI Lifetime Achievement Awards: Billy Wilder [doc]

1987 Love among Thieves [TV] Baroness Caroline DuLac
1989 Always Hap

1992 Gardens of the World with Audrey Hepburn: Japanese Gardens [doc]

1992 Gardens of the World with Audrey Hepburn: Tulips and Spring Bulbs [doc]
1992 Gardens of the World with Audrey Hepburn: Roses & Rose Gardens [doc]
1992 Gardens of the World with Audrey Hepburn: Tropical Gardens [doc]
1992 Gardens of the World with Audrey Hepburn: Country Gardens [doc]
1992 Gardens of the World with Audrey Hepburn: Flower Gardens [doc]
1992 Gardens of the World with Audrey Hepburn: Public Gardens & Trees [doc]
1992 Gardens of the World with Audrey Hepburn: Formal Gardens [doc]

《罗宾和玛丽安》(Robin and Marian)(1976)《二人同路》(Two for the Road)(1967)《如何偷窃一百万》(How to Steal a Million)(1966)《烧灼的巴黎》(Paris - When It Sizzles)(1964)《恩怨情天》(The Unforgiven)(1960)《孩子们的时刻》(The Children's Hour )(1961)《翁第娜》(Ondine)(1954)《姬姬》(GiGi)(1954)《绿厦》(Green Mansions)(1959)《午恋》(Love in the Afternoon)(1957)《直到永远》(Always)
(1989)《盲女惊魂记》(Wait Until Dark) (1967) 获奥斯卡最佳女主角奖提名《窈窕淑女》(My Fair lady) (1964) 获奥斯卡最佳影片奖《谜中谜》(Charade) (1963) 获英国电影艺术学院最佳女演员奖《帝凡尼的早餐》(Breakfast at Tiffany's)(1961) 获奥斯卡最佳女主角奖提名《修女传》(The Nun's Story) (1959) 获奥斯卡最佳女主角奖提名、纽约电影评论家协会最佳女演员奖、英国电影艺术学院最佳女演员奖《甜姐儿》(Funny Face) (1957)《战争与和平》(War and Peace)
(1956)《莎宾娜》 (Sabrina) (1954) 获奥斯卡最佳女主角奖提名《罗马假日》(Roman Holiday) (1953) 获奥斯卡最佳女主角奖、纽约电影评论家协会最佳女演员奖、英国电影艺术学院最佳女演员奖《天堂的笑声》( Laughter in Paradise )(1951)

熏衣草山的暴徒 The Lavender Hill Mob(1951)

罗马假日 Roman Holiday(1953)

龙凤配 Sabrina (1954)

战争与和平 War and Peace(1956)

黄昏之恋 Love in the Afternoon(1957)

甜姐儿 Funny Face(1957)

绿厦 Green Mansions(1959)

修女传The Nun's Story(1959)

不可饶恕的人/恩怨情天 The Unforgiven(1960)

孩子们的时刻/双妹怨The Children's Hour(1961)

第凡尼早餐 Breakfast at Tiffany's(1961)


窈窕淑女My Fair Lady(1964)

愤怒的巴黎/巴黎假期 Paris - When It Sizzles(1964)

如何偷到一百万/偷龙转凤 How to Steal a Million(1966)

二人同路/盲女惊魂记Two for the Road(1967)

等到天黑/丽人行Wait Until Dark(1967)
