特种部队的 虐俘 训练:英语几个常用字填空?

来源:百度文库 编辑:查人人中国名人网 时间:2024/09/03 15:53:03
1you ____(应该)always wash your hands
2you ______(不必)warry adout him
3you ______(可以)take one of them
4you ______(千 万 别)walk on the grass
5may i ask about ___________(出发时间 )?
6we __________________(能与不同的人交流)when we take a plane
7 i would like to _______________________(订一张到香港的飞机票)
8we like to ride a bike because _______________(它 对我们的健康有利)

1you __should__(应该)always wash your hands
2you ___needn't___(不必)warry adout him
3you ___can___(可以)take one of them
4you ___mustn't___(千 万 别)walk on the grass
5may i ask about (the time to set out)(出发时间 )?
6we (can communicate to different people)_(能与不同的人交流)when we take a plane
7 i would like to (book a air ticket to hongkong)(订一张到香港的飞机票)
8we like to ride a bike because (it's good for our healyhy(它 对我们的健康有利)

2、not have to f
6、and another people communion
7、bespoken a sheet of Hongkong aeronef
8、it mutual we's healthhealthiness favorableness

1 should
2 needn't
3 can
4 must'nt
5 when to leave
6 can conmunicate with different people
7 book a air ticket to HONGKONG
8 it's good for our health

1_4should needn't can mustn't
6.can communicate with different people
7.book a ticket flying to hongkong
8.it's good for our healyhy