
来源:百度文库 编辑:查人人中国名人网 时间:2024/10/04 17:03:57
ensure where necessary equipment is supplied with appropriate operating spares to be shipped with the equipment .the spare listing is to be done concueeently with the order for the equipment but may appear either as an amendment to the PO or on a separate POif this allows equipment purchase PO to be generated earlier

ensure where necessary equipment is supplied with appropriate operating spares to be shipped with the equipment .the spare listing is to be done concueeently with the order for the equipment but may appear either as an amendment to the PO or on a separate POif this allows equipment purchase PO to be generated earlier
确定必需的设备被提供适当的操作剩余与设备一起运送的地方。多余的项目表将对于设备用目是完成了 concueeently 但是可能如对波河来说的一个改善或在分开的 POif 上出现这让设备购买波河在早地被产生