
来源:百度文库 编辑:查人人中国名人网 时间:2024/10/06 16:51:12
i'm kind of glad march is finally going to be over soon. It has been a $h%t month.

Nonethelesss i'm glad i put on 3 kg. Where should i do my blog? I'm sorry that i cannot share my blog with you now. It's WAY too personal....heheh

so yes, tell me, where would YOU like to see my blog. AND, since it will be in ENGLISH. How do i translate it and where should it be posted?

ok that's all for today, gimme some time.





我对提前结束的游行感到高兴。 资讯科技已经是一个 $h% t 月。

然而我高兴 我增加 3公斤 ,应该哪里做我的 blog? 对不起,我现在不能够与你分享我的 blog。 资讯科技是太个人的方法.... 呵呵

如此的是,告诉我, 哪里你愿意见到我的 blog。 及,因为它将会在英语中。 我 如何翻译它而且哪里它应该被寄吗?

对今天是所有的 ok, 给我一些时间。