
来源:百度文库 编辑:查人人中国名人网 时间:2024/10/06 13:47:57
Discover the secret behind the 45 degree lean in the Smooth Criminal video and in the live performance.
Michael Jackson and two of his costume designers obtained a US patent (US5255452) in 1993 on "Methods and Means for Creating Anti Gravity Illusion". The invention outlines how a special pair of shoes attaches to a stage to allow leaning forward beyond the centre of gravity of the wearer of the shoes. A case study of this patent is presented here.

Background and Prior Art Interesting stage designs, lighting, fog generators, laser light shows, and large video screens have been used by music entertainers and dancers to enhance the appeal of their live and recorded performances.

In the past Michael Jackson had incorporated dance steps in his recorded video performances, wherein he and other dancers would lean forward beyond their center of gravity, thereby creating an impressive visual effect. In the video this effect was accomplished by the use of cables connecting a harness around the dancer's waist with hooks on a stage, thereby allowing the dancer to lean forward at the required degree.

However, since this requires stagehands to connect and then disconnect the cables, it has not been possible to use this system in live performances. Moreover, the cables obviously restricted arm and body movements.

Description of the Invention

The present invention overcomes the above noted deficiencies of the previously employed cable system by providing specialized footwear and
a moveable hitch or post to which the specialized footwear can be detachably engaged to, allowing the footwear wearer to lean forward on the stage, with his or her center of gravity well beyond the front of the shoes, thereby creating the desired visual effect. The hitch or post protrude upwardly through the stage platform at a predetermined time.

发现背后的秘密45度精干的顺利犯罪现场录象和成绩. 杰克逊和他的服装设计获得了两项美国专利(us5255452)于1993年 " 反重力方法和手段创造幻想 " . 概述如何发明特别重视舞台鞋,让以后的发展重心倚的穿者的鞋子. 这是一项个案研究,在此提出的专利. 有趣的舞台背景和艺术事先设计、灯光、雾发电机、激光表演、大型电视屏幕已经用音乐、舞蹈表演,以提高他们的生活并记录呼吁演出. 麦可杰克森在过去已将其步骤舞蹈表演录像记录,其中他将和其他舞者瘦了以后重心,从而创造了可观的视觉效果. 在这方面已完成的录像使用了利用电缆连接周围舞者 ' 钓腰,在舞台上的,从而使舞者的身体向前倾的必要程度. 然而,因为这需要幕后电缆连接,然后截断,因此无法使用这个系统的表演. 此外,电缆显然限制手臂和身体移动. 描述发明本发明克服了上面提到的这些缺点以前使用有线电视系统,提供专业鞋类和移动顺利或营地,专门鞋类可detachably聘请,让鞋穿者身体向前倾的阶段,其重心和超越前面的鞋 从而创造理想的视觉效果. 顺利的通过或向上伸出后阶段的平台在预定时间.

发现背后的秘密45度精干的顺利犯罪现场录象和成绩. 杰克逊和他的服装设计获得了两项美国专利(us5255452)于1993年 " 反重力方法和手段创造幻想 " . 概述如何发明特别重视舞台鞋,让以后的发展重心倚的穿者的鞋子. 这是一项个案研究,在此提出的专利. 有趣的舞台背景和艺术事先设计、灯光、雾发电机、激光表演、大型电视屏幕已经用音乐、舞蹈表演,以提高他们的生活并记录呼吁演出. 麦可杰克森在过去已将其步骤舞蹈表演录像记录,其中他将和其他舞者瘦了以后重心,从而创造了可观的视觉效果. 在这方面已完成的录像使用了利用电缆连接周围舞者 ' 钓腰,在舞台上的,从而使舞者的身体向前倾的必要程度. 然而,因为这需要幕后电缆连接,然后截断,因此无法使用这个系统的表演. 此外,电缆显然限制手臂和身体移动. 描述发明本发明克服了上面提到的这些缺点以前使用有线电视系统,提供专业鞋类和移动顺利或营地,专门鞋类可detachably聘请,让鞋穿者身体向前倾的阶段,其重心和超越前面的鞋 从而创造理想的视觉效果. 顺利的通过或向上伸出后阶段的平台在预定时间.