
来源:百度文库 编辑:查人人中国名人网 时间:2024/10/02 00:41:54
By contrasr, in a highly developed, industrialized society, productive workers are dependent on money income. Their jobs are usually specialized, so that the occurrence of some peril that interrupts their income or destroys accumulated property is often a serious economic blow. Help from neighbors is usually impossible to obtain in the degree that it might have been available in earlier times,for individuals cannot take time off from their jobs at will. In the highly developed, industrialized society, standards of living are derived from trading the results of one’s labor for the results of others’ labor. This exchange involves the shipment of good over long distances, which gives rise to many risks not faced in a non-manufacturing environment. Consequently, in industrial societies, methods to meet risks must correspondingly be highly developed.
Insurance as an institution flourishes best within a society in which legal relationships are well organized, known to all, and enforced fairly. An impartial system of justice is an absolute essential to a sound program of insurance, for the insurance device must usually be effected by means of a legally enforceable contract. Where political influence, frequent wars or revolutions, or dishonesty of the people upset the judicial system or law enforcement, insurance does not flourish.


在高度发达的工业化社会中,能生产的工人依赖钱收入. 他们的工作通常被特殊化, 通常专业工作岗位,使一些危险的发生,或插收入累计破坏财产往往造成严重的经济打击. 邻居的帮助下,通常无法获得的学位,可能已经获得开始时,个人不能请假离开工作的意愿. 在高度发达的工业化社会,生活水准是从交易结果自己的劳动成果,别人对'劳动力. 这次交流涉及长途运输好,引起许多面临的风险不以非制造业的环境. 因此,在工业社会中,予以相应的方法应付风险必须高度发达. 保险机构蓬勃发展,作为一个社会中最有关系的法律和组织,众所周知,公正执行. 司法公正的制度是绝对必要的健全的保险计划,保险装置通常是要通过实施一项具有法律约束力的合约. 在政治影响力,因战乱频仍,或革命,或不诚实的人或扰乱司法系统执法、保险不兴旺.

在高度发达的工业化社会中,生产工人的货币收入依赖. 通常专业工作岗位,使一些危险的发生,或插收入累计破坏财产往往造成严重的经济打击. 邻居的帮助下,通常无法获得的学位,可能已经获得开始时,个人不能请假离开工作的意愿. 在高度发达的工业化社会,生活水准是从交易结果自己的劳动成果,别人对'劳动力. 这次交流涉及长途运输好,引起许多面临的风险不以非制造业的环境. 因此,在工业社会中,予以相应的方法应付风险必须高度发达. 保险机构蓬勃发展,作为一个社会中最有关系的法律和组织,众所周知,公正执行. 司法公正的制度是绝对必要的健全的保险计划,保险装置通常是要通过实施一项具有法律约束力的合约. 在政治影响力,因战乱频仍,或革命,或不诚实的人或扰乱司法系统执法、保险不兴旺.