
来源:百度文库 编辑:查人人中国名人网 时间:2024/10/06 02:38:58

1.Fortunately, the nearby home hospital, we immediately took him to there.
2.Victory on George Island, the captain made a radio report to headquarters.
3.He is determined to continue his experiments, but this time he will use another method to do. 4.She read this novel, can not help but recall that she spent five years in the rural.
5.Mary feel her its own implementation plan is difficult.
6.We believe that in a quarter of an hour, he could not go that distance, but he has succeeded in doing that.
7.Even in his doctor told him after suffering from lung cancer, John refused to give up the global navigation perfect.
8.I was busy doing a new catch rats devices, Mark came out to see me in a tail Flower Show.

1.Neighbor has the family hospital luckily, we have delivered immediately him there.
2.After successfully mounts the George island, captain has sent a wireless telegram to the headquarters.
3.He was determined continues his experiment, but this he will use another means to do.
4.When she reads this novel, was unable to restrain to remember her that five years which passed in the countryside.
5.Mary thought depends on own strength to carry out her plan is only difficult.
6.We thought he cannot walk that section of distance in the quarter of an hour, but he successfully has achieved this point actually.
7.Even tells after his doctor he contracts the lung cancer, Chichester still is not willing to give up the long-cherished wish which round the world navigates.
8.I am being busy when am doing one kind new catches the mouse installment, Mark walks tows me to exit to watch the flower show.

1.Happily nearby have a hospital, we immediately send to him there.
2.After victory ascend George's island, captain to a hair of conductor a telegraph.
3.His decision continue his experiment, however he will do with another way this time.
4.When she read this novel, canned not help remind of for her that five yearses spend in the villages.
5.The power that Mary feel single to depend on oneself carries out her plan is difficult.
6.We think that he can't walk within quarter over that distance, but he attained this successfully.
7.Even after him of doctor tell that he gets the lung cancer, strange slice the long-cherished wish that the 斯 especially still is not willing to give up the round-the-world voyage.
8.I am busy at do a kind of catch the rat device lately, the mark walks to trail I went out to see the flower show.

1.Luckily there was a hospital near,where we sent him at once.
2.The captain sent a piece of aerogram to the headquarters after landing George Island successfully.
3.He decided to continue his test but use another method this time.
4.She cann`t help to think about the five years she spent in country when reading this novel.
5.Mary thinks it difficult to carry on her plan by herself.
6.We thought he could not cover that distance in one quarter,but he made it.
7.Chester would not give up his will that he wanted to travel around the world,even after that the doctor told him he had lung cancer.
8.Mark pulled me to see the flowers show when i was busy doing a new mouse set.