
来源:百度文库 编辑:查人人中国名人网 时间:2024/10/04 01:46:45
6.胜利登上乔治岛(George Isiand)后,船长向指挥部(ten headquarters)发了一份无线电报。
7.他决心继续他的实验,不过这次他将用另一种办法来做。8.她读这部小说时,不禁想起了她在农村度过的那五年。9.那位名演员似乎很乐意在剧中扮演一个次要角色。10.国庆节要到了,咱们把寝室彻底(thorough)打扫一下吧。11.她非常勉强地同意让一位年轻医生为她做手术。12.他们已安排好让我们明天去游览长城,我相信我们在哪儿一定会玩得很开心。13.接受这份工作就得经常在周末上班,但约翰并不在意(involve)14.众所周知,肺癌至少部分地是由于吸烟过多引起的。15.我祖父母说,发明电视的那个人曾住在他们那个地段。16.我提议咱们会后马上去办公室找史密斯教授,邀请他参加我们的英语晚会。17.史密斯医生从窗口望出去,突然看到一个年轻人正向他的诊所(clinic)奔来。18.艾米过去除了咖啡什么都不喝。19.迈拉得知丈夫在事故中受了伤便哭了起来。20.我们好几天没看见怀特小姐了。她是病倒了还是怎么了?21.据报道,那条铁路曾因洪水而停止修建。(hold up)22.罢工结果,资方接受了工人的要求。23.煤矿工人们决定为争取跟好的工作条件举行罢工。24.我很想买这本英文词典,遗憾的是我身上带的钱不够。

Her failure from this test made her realize how important it is to review on regular basis.

Please don't forget what you parents said before you left home.

I believe that her level of English satisfies this job.

The main idea of this article is to tell students how to set good habits.

Fortunately there's a hospital near here, we went there with him immeidately. 或
Good thing there's a hospital in this area, we sent him there right away.

6.胜利登上乔治岛(George Island)后,船长向指挥部(ten headquarters)发了一份无线电报。
After we got to George Island, the captain sent a telegraph to the ten headquarters. 或
When we aboarded George Island, the captain to the ten headquarters.

He made up his mind to continue with his experiment, but this time through another method. 或
He decided to continue with his experiment through another method.

When she was reading this novel, it made her to recall the five years that she had spent in the countryside. 或
This novel reminded her of the five years that she spent in the countryside.

That actor/actress seems very happy to act as a minor character in the show. 或
That actor/actress seems very happy to be a minor character in the teleseries.

国庆节 - 就翻成China Day 吧
因为加拿大有Canada Day 也是个national festival

It's almost China Day, let's clean up our dorm thoroughly. 或
China Day's almost here, why don't we clean up our dorm thoroughly.

She agreed unwillingly for a young doctor to be her operation surgeon. 或
She agreed unwillingly for a young surgeon to be responsible for her operation.

They arranged the trip for us to the Great Wall tomorrow, I think we would have lots of fun there. 或
They made arragements for us to visit the Great Wall tomorrow, I believe we will have fun there.

Once accepted this job, it will be involving coming to work during weekends, however John doesn't mind. 或
This job involves you to come to work on weekends, but John doesn't mind to accept it.

Everybody knows that brain cancer is more or less due to smoking. 或
It's a fact that smoking contributes to brain cancer.

My grandparents said the person who invented television has once lived in the same neighbourhood that they lived in.

I suggest we go see Professor Smith right after the meeting to invite him to our English Party. 或
I say we go see Professor Smith after the meeting's over to invite him to our English Party.

Dr. Smith was staring/looking out the windor when he suddenly saw a young man marching towards his clinic. 或
Dr. Smith saw a young man marching towards his clinic when he looked out the window.

Amy used to only drink coffee. 或
Amy used to not drink anything except for coffee.

Melody started crying when she heard that her hushand was injured in an accident. 或
After knowing her hushand was injured in an accident, Melody started crying.

We didn't see Ms.Wright for a few days, is she sick or something? 或
Ms. Wright hasn't shown up in a few days, what happened to her?

21.据报道,那条铁路曾因洪水而停止修建。(hold up)
According to the news, the construction of the railway got held up by the flood.

As a result of the strike, the company accepted the workers' requests. 或
The company accepted the workers' demands after the strike.

Miners decided to start the strike because they wanted to work under better working conditions. 或
Mine workers went on strike to demand for better working conditions.

I really want to buy this English dictionary, but unfortunately I didn't bring enough money. 或
I really want to buy this English dictionary, but too bad I didn't have enough money on me.

1. She failed the test so that he is aware of how important regular refresher homework.
2. Requests must not forget that before you leave for your parents said
3. I am sure her knowledge of the English language is sufficient.
4. This article aims to tell the students how to develop good habits.
5. Fortunately, the nearby home hospital, we immediately took him to there.
6. Victory boarded George Island , the captain to command, made a radio reported.
7. He is determined to continue his experiments, but this time he will use another method to do. 8. She read this novel, can not help but recall that she spent five years in the rural.
9. That actor in the film seems to be very happy to play a secondary role.
10. National day to come and to the pilots of our total bedroom (thorough) cleaning my views.
11. She very reluctantly agreed to let a young doctor for her surgery.
12. They have arranged for us to tour the Great Wall tomorrow, I believe we will be playing in where very happy.
13. This work must often accept work at the weekend, but John and care (involve)
14. It is well known that lung cancer is at least partly caused by excessive smoking.
15. My grandparents said that the invention of television that the individuals had lived in their lots.
16. I propose to the pilots of our office immediately after finding Smith professor invited to participate in our English evening.
17. Smith looked doctors from the window, he suddenly saw a young man is the clinic (clinic) goes.
18. Taking advantage of the occasion in the past nothing except drink coffee.
19. Gassing injured in the incident that her husband will cry up.
20. We have seen for several days White Durrant. How she fell sick or had?
21. According to reports, road and railway had stopped construction floods. (hold up)
22. Strike results, the employers accepted worker demands.
23. Mine workers with good working conditions for the decision to strike.
24. I want this English dictionary, unfortunately I found belt insufficient.

Her failure in the exam made her realize the importance of reviewing homework regularly.

the purpose of this article tell the student to how educate the good habit.
我觉得应该是这样:The purpose of this article is to tell the students how to develop good habits.

she fail in the examination to make him be aware of to periodically review lessons to is how the importance this time( make)

please don't certainly forget to leave a front your parents for you saided of words

I make sure her English the knowledge to this work to is enough.

the purpose of this article tell the student to how educate the good habit.

happily nearby there is a hospital, we to immediately send toed he there.

6.胜利登上乔治岛(George Isiand)后,船长向指挥部(ten headquarters)发了一份无线电报。
the victory make an ascent ofed the george's island( george isiand) the empress, captain direction to direct the department( ten headquarters) the hair a telegraphed.

he decide to continue his experiment, however and this time he will do with another way.

when she read this novel, can not help remind ofing she is at that five years that village degree over.

that actor apparently very glad in the play in the character of a next in importance role.

the great occasion of nation stanza wanted, and we thoroughly( thorough) sweep the bedroom once.

she very and with difficulty agree to let a young doctor do the surgical operation for her.

they have already arranged good let us go to sight-see the Great Wall, I tomorrow to believe where we are to would certainly have lots of fun.

accept this work must usually go to work in the weekend, but John and inattentive( involve)

know to all, and the lung cancer is a partly at least is because of smoke cigaretting excessive and causable.

that individual that my grandparents say, invent the television once live at them that district.

I propose to the pilots of our office immediately after finding Smith professor invited to participate in our English evening.

Smith's doctor since the window way hope out, suddenly see a young man face his clinic( clinic) to rush.

Taking advantage of the occasion in the past nothing except drink coffee.

exceed to pull to know the husband in the trouble to hurt and then cried to get up.

we several days did not see the White's young lady.She fall sicked still how?

21.据报道,那条铁路曾因洪水而停止修建。(hold up)
according to the report way, that railroad once because of the flood but stop fixing to set up.(hold up)

the strike result, management accepted the worker's request.

coal miner the decision is to fight for to pull a strike with good work term.

I want this English dictionary, unfortunately I found belt insufficient.

Her failure of the exam makes him realize how important it is to review the subjects regularly.

Please don't forget the words your parents told you before you left home.

I'm sure that her English knowledge is enough for this job.

The purpose of this article is to tell the students to form good habits.

Fortunately there was a hopital nearby, so we sent him there immediately.

6.胜利登上乔治岛(George Isiand)后,船长向指挥部(ten headquarters)发了一份无线电报。
After succeeding to land on George Island, the captain sent a telegram to the headquaters.


1. She failed the test so that he is aware of how important regular refresher homework.
2. Requests must not forget that before you leave for your parents said
3. I am sure her knowledge of the English language is sufficient.
4. This article aims to tell the students how to develop good habits.
5. Fortunately, the nearby home hospital, we immediately took him to there.
6. Victory boarded George Island , the captain to command, made a radio reported.
7. He is determined to continue his experiments, but this time he will use another method to do. 8. She read this novel, can not help but recall that she spent five years in the rural.
9. That actor in the film seems to be very happy to play a secondary role.
10. National day to come and to the pilots of our total bedroom (thorough) cleaning my views.
11. She very reluctantly agreed to let a young doctor for her surgery.
12. They have arranged for us to tour the Great Wall tomorrow, I believe we will be playing in where very happy.
13. This work must often accept work at the weekend, but John and care (involve)
14. It is well known that lung cancer is at least partly caused by excessive smoking.
15. My grandparents said that the invention of television that the individuals had lived in their lots.
16. I propose to the pilots of our office immediately after finding Smith professor invited to participate in our English evening.
17. Smith looked doctors from the window, he suddenly saw a young man is the clinic (clinic) goes.
18. Taking advantage of the occasion in the past nothing except drink coffee.
19. Gassing injured in the incident that her husband will cry up.
20. We have seen for several days White Durrant. How she fell sick or had?
21. According to reports, road and railway had stopped construction floods. (hold up)
22. Strike results, the employers accepted worker demands.
23. Mine workers with good working conditions for the decision to strike.
24. I want this English dictionary, unfortunately I found belt insufficient.