
来源:百度文库 编辑:查人人中国名人网 时间:2024/10/06 16:14:57

怀念 思念 想念 悼念

1. to commemorate
2. to remember
1. 人们来到纪念馆崇敬地纪念这位伟大的领袖。
People came to the memorial to revere the memory of the great leader.

2. 他们为永远纪念那位领袖决定建一座雕像。
They decided to perpetuate the memory of their leader by erecting a statue.

3. 这个地区由于宗教上的纪念意义而被视为圣地。
This area was hallowed by sacred memories.

4. 纪念他的碑文刻在石碑上。
His memorial was engraved on the stone.

5. 这个战场被视为圣地以纪念战死在这里的战士。
This battle field is consecrated to the memory of the soldiers who died here.

6. 岁月和风雨早已磨掉纪念碑上的铭文。
Time and weather had long ago effaced the inscription on the monument.

7. 他们为悼念死于大地震的人们建造纪念碑。
They dedicated a monument in memory of those who died in the great earthquake.

8. 我有一枚有纪念意义的铜牌。
I have a monumental brass medal.