
来源:百度文库 编辑:查人人中国名人网 时间:2024/10/06 18:44:21

○ o.ヤ勾勾手指头.↘o.说好Ъù.分手ヤ o?我ヤ[髪誓](┈爱伱ゝ一辈子ラo┈ .╰☆.ノ是不是¢前世ぷ欠了∮伱一滴水..oo....._o.oo.......

1. 既不回头,何必不忘,若是无缘,何须誓言,今日种种,似水无痕,明夕何夕,君已陌路
Leaving me without looking back
Why still keeping the passing day
Ending love with bending to fate
Why still making the solemn swear
You and me today is a dream flowing away
You and me tomorrow will be on the different way

2. 留下来的人往往是最痛苦的
The deepest pain is borne by the last person who is left alive.

3. 如果给我选择的话,跟自己心爱的人,过着简单的生活。
I wish I could have a simple life with my love if I have a chance to choose.

4. 最痛的伤口,从外面是看不到的。
The deepest hurt will never appear outside.

I can accept any sensible ideas which you tell me with patience.

6. 难怪南蛮妈妈说,爱情会让人变成疯子。
I finally realize why mum said that love can throw people crazy.

7. 风要到什么地方,都需要一点时间的,但思想却一想就到了,环游世界,没有什么地方去不到,没有什么事情做不到。
It takes time for wind to get somewhere, while it takes no time for your thinking to reach anywhere and anything around the world.

8. 发财以后死老婆,这才是男人最大的幸运。
It is a best fortune for men that his wife dies once he makes a pile.

9. 只要一息尚存,一切可以从头开始。
There are always hopes as long as we are still alive.

10. 时光不回头,当下最重要。
Now is the most important since yesterday never comes back.

11. 爱情这东西,又无聊又费时的。对我来说,美食比美男更重要。
Love is just boring and time-wasting. I prefer delicious food to handsome men.

12. 一杯愁绪,几段情缘,莫过与君酒当歌
Cups of gloomy love can never be comparable with getting drunk with you.

13. 落花有意随流水,流水无心恋落花。
Flowers are flying down with willingness of keeping up with streams, while streams are flowing away without awareness of stopping for flowers.