
来源:百度文库 编辑:查人人中国名人网 时间:2024/10/06 18:12:25
会展业(MICE Industry)作为一个新兴绿色产业,在中国已经展现出了蓬勃的生命力,并形成了五大产业带(京津——华北会展经济产业带、东北边贸会展经济产业带、长江三角洲——华东会展经济产业带、珠江三角洲——华南会展经济产业带、中西部会展中心城市)。然而,面对即将完全开放的中国市场、国际市场的激烈竞争,国内的会展状况是:无序竞争以及重复办展、品牌意识薄弱、市场定位不明确、创新意识薄弱等等,束缚了会展业的进一步发展。

As a uprising green industry, MICE Industry has shown its vigorous vitality in China and has formed 5 Industrial belt(Beijing&Tianjing-Northern China MICE Industry economic developing belt,Northern-East frontier trade MICE Industry economic developing belt,Yangtze River delta-Eastern China MICE Industry economic developing belt,Pearl River delta-Southern China MICE Industry economic developing belt,Middle-eastern China MICE Industry economic central cities ). However, facing the soonly completely open Chinese market and intense international competition, the condition of
domestic MICE Industry is disorder competes, repeatedly exhibition , weak brand concious , unclear market localization and weak innovation consciousness which fettered the MICE Industry's further develops.

Question Supplement:
By researching the developing condition of MICE Industry ,promoting and pushing the future MICE Industry by market managerial methods, the synthesis competitive ability of China will be enhanced and will be with international market and axle , and displays the Butter Fly Effect in MICE Industry which is a major method in the future city economic development.

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