
来源:百度文库 编辑:查人人中国名人网 时间:2024/07/18 03:23:36
3.我一点也不奇怪他会生病,他一个接一个的吃冰淇淋。(one after another)
5. 植物在保持地球上的生命平衡中起到了关键的作用。(part)
6.由于酒后驾车,他的车撞上了一棵树。(at a result of)
8.我们用来消化食物的氧气是由植物散放出的。(give out)
9.只要你有发票,你可以在30天内退回你所有的商品。(as long as)
10.最近,他最常去的是医院。(most often)


They lose their way on the sea and is now at the mercy of the weather.
They can't help but cry at the bad news.
3.我一点也不奇怪他会生病,他一个接一个的吃冰淇淋。(one after another)
I am not at all surprised that he has been ill since he ate ice-cream one after another.
You are labelled as a criminal once you are in prison.
5. 植物在保持地球上的生命平衡中起到了关键的作用。(part)
Plants play an important part in maintaining the balance of living things on the earth.
6.由于酒后驾车,他的车撞上了一棵树。(at a result of)
His car ran into a tree as a result of driving after drinking,
One of the method to cut down the consumption is to stay at home at weekends.
8.我们用来消化食物的氧气是由植物散放出的。(give out)
The oxygen we use to digest food is given out by the plants.
9.只要你有发票,你可以在30天内退回你所有的商品。(as long as)
As long as you have the invoice, you can return all the goods you bought in 30 days.
10.最近,他最常去的是医院。(most often)
Recently hospital is the most often visited place of him.

2.at the time they heard the bad news,they could
not help crying.
5.plants are important part in the controling of
the balance of natural.
6.as a result of driving after drinking,his car
crash into a tree.
10.the place he most often goes this days is hospital.

they lost their ways in the sea,in the mercy of the whether.
短语in the mercy of

they couldn't help crying at (hearing) that bad news.

i'm not strange at his illness,because he have eaten ice cream(s?) one after another.

once you are in prison(这里be in prison是表状态的,但更好的应该是用个表过程的,我没有想到) ,you will be lable on creamer al your life.
短语be lable on

plants play an important part in keeping life balance in the earth.
短语play (an important) part in

his car crashed into(?) a tree as a result of draving after drinking.

one way to cut the cost is to stay at home on the weekend.

the oxyen we use to diagest(?) foods is given ou by the plant.

you can return(退回?)all your goods within 30 days as long as you have the receipt (或bill).

these days the place he most often goes is the hospital.


1. They are(或者were) lost at the sea and are are at the mercy of the weather.
2. They couldn't help crying at the bad news.
3. He ate ice creams one after another, so I'm not surprised to see(或者know)he is sick.
4. Once you are put into prison, you will be labeled criminal all your life.
5. Plants play an important part in balancing the lives on the Earth.(这句把握不大)
6. His car hit a tree as a result of driving after having drunk(或者alchohal).
7. 不会…………
8. The oxygen which is used to digest food by us are given out by plants
9. You can send back all the goods in 30 days as long as you have the invoices.
10. He goes to the(语境不甚清楚,不知道要不要这个冠词) hospital most often recently(或of late).

1.Get lost on the sea, they were at the mercy of the weather. (at the mercy of即“处于……掌控之中,听任……摆布”)
2.They couldn't help crying at the news.(cannot help doing即“不禁做某事”;at在这里相当于“on hearing”,意为“一……就”)
3.I was not at all surprised to hear that he got sick, for he ate ice creams one after another.(不太确定,请各位雅正)
4.Once you are put into prison, you will be regarded as a criminal all through your life.(我不晓得lable的用法,仅此提供另一种译法。各位雅正)
5.Plants play an important (a key) part in keeping balance of life on the earth.(play a part in在……中起作用)
6.His car ran into a tree as a result of driving after drinking.(不太确定“酒后驾车”的译法,各位雅正)
7.One of the ways to cut expenses is to stay home at weekends.
8.The oxygen(that) we use to digest(our food) is given out by plants.
9.You can get all your goods exchanged for cash(TAT...“退回”要怎么翻?) as long as you have the(TAT again...“发票”是什么?)....
10.Recently, it is to the hospital that he goes most often.(仿佛是要用强调句的,如果我没记错的话,副词最高级前不加the)

1 They were lost in the sea at the mercy of the weather.
2 They all burst into tear at the bad news.
3 I felt no surpries about his illness, because he had been having ice creams one after another.
4 Once you're put in prison, you'll be label as criminal.
5 Plants play an important role in keeping lifes on earth in balance.
6 At a result of drunk driving. his car was knocked into a tree.
7 One way to cut expenses is staying at home on weekends.
8 Oxygen we use to digest foods is given out by plants.
9 As long as you have the receipt, you can return all your purchases and get a full refund whitin 30 days
10 The most often place he went recently is the hospital.