
来源:百度文库 编辑:查人人中国名人网 时间:2024/10/02 18:54:21

Beautiful 美丽

  If you can depend 若你能依赖
  On certainty 这些已定的事
  Count it out and weigh it up again 能将它数出再重新估计
  You can be sure 你就能确定
  You've reached the end 你已经到达终点
  And still you don't feel 而你依然无法感觉得到

  Do you know you're beautiful 你知道吗,你是如此美丽
  Do you know you're beautiful 你知道吗,你是如此美丽
  Do you know you're beautiful 你知道吗,你是如此美丽
  You are, yes you are, yes you are 是的,你是如此美丽

  If you can ignore 若你能忽视
  What you've become 那些适合你的东西
  Take it out and see it die again 将它拿来,再看着它死去
  You can be here 你能到这儿的
  So who's a friend 谁会是朋友
  And still you don't feel 而你依然无法感觉得到

  Do you know you're beautiful 你知道吗,你是如此美丽
  Do you know you're beautiful 你知道吗,你是如此美丽
  Do you know you're beautiful 你知道吗,你是如此美丽
  You are, yes you are, yes you are 是的,你是如此美丽
  Innermost thoughts 内心的想法
  Will be understood 会被理解
  And you can have all you need 你可以得到你所要的一切

  Do you know (do you know about anything) 你知道吗(你知道任何事吗)
  Do you know (do you know about anyone) 你知道吗(你知道任何人吗)
  Do you know you're beautiful 你知道吗,你是如此美丽
  Do you know you're beautiful 你知道吗,你是如此美丽
  Do you know you're beautiful 你知道吗,你是如此美丽
  You are, yes you are, yes you are 是的,你是如此美丽

  Free 自由

  And do you still touch her like you do 你是否依然那样抚摸着她
  Kiss her all over in the way I kissed with you 用我与你亲吻的方式吻遍她全身
  And when you sleep with her, do you sometimes think of me 你与她同眠时,可否想到我
  Not if you love her the way that I see 如果你不像我看到的那样爱她

  I had to be free 我必须自由
  Had to be free 必须自由
  It's all that I wanted 这是我想要的一切
  I wanted to see 我想看看
  Wanted to be 想要
  Alone if I needed 若我要孤独
  I had to be free 我必须自由
  Had to be free 必须自由
  From feelings that haunted 从困惑的感觉中
  I wanted to see 我想要明白
  Wanted to be 需要
  Free 自由

  And then in the evening light, when the bars of freedom fall 当自由的横栓跌落时,傍晚变得明亮
  I watch the two of you in the shadows on the wall 我看着你俩在墙上的影子
  How in the darkness steals some of the choices from my hand 如何在黑暗中从我手中窃取机会
  Then will I begin to understand 然后我是否会开始明白

  I had to be free 我必须自由
  Had to be free 必须自由
  It's all that I wanted 这是我想要的一切
  I wanted to see 我想看看
  Wanted to be 想要
  Alone if I needed 若我要孤独
  I had to be free 我必须自由
  Had to be free 必须自由
  From feelings that haunted 从困惑的感觉中
  I wanted to see 我想要明白
  Wanted to be 需要
  Free 自由

  Mysterious Days 神秘之日

  Springtime in Tangier 丹吉尔的春天
  The sky's getting wider 天空变得宽广
  Renewing its splendour 更新着它的绚丽
  The world's getting brighter 世界变得越来越明亮

  Setting out just like the sun 正如太阳的展示
  That's never seen the rain 那是从没见过的雨
  Stepping out we're homeward bound 我们开始启程返回
  And never be the same 从不会相同

  Ah-ah, we lay our hearts wide open 啊哈,敞开我们的心扉
  Ah-ah, we live mysterious days 啊哈,我们生活在神秘的日子里

  American writers 美国的作家们
  Now work in the attic 如今在阁楼里工作
  Up in the Casbah 在阿拉伯式之宫廷上
  There's plenty to worship 那里充满了崇拜

  Shine again Arabian Moon 阿拉伯的月亮再次闪耀
  And be the guiding light 这将是引导之光
  Life is changing like the dunes 生活像沙丘一样慢慢变化
  Wandering in the night 夜里变得惆怅

  Ah-ah, we lay our hearts wide open 啊哈,敞开我们的心扉
  Ah-ah, we live mysterious days 啊哈,我们生活在神秘的日子里
  Ah-ah, the spell cannot be broken 啊哈,魔咒不会被打破
  Ah-ah, we live mysterious days 啊哈,我们生活在神秘的日子里

  Ai-ai-ai, ai-ai-ai ... 唉,唉,唉,唉,唉,唉,唉
  We live mysterious days 我们生活在神秘的日子里
  Ai-ai-ai, ai-ai-ai ... 唉,唉,唉,唉,唉,唉,唉
  We live mysterious days 我们生活在神秘的日子里

  anger In Paradise 天堂的陌生人

  Take my hand 牵着我的手
  I'm a stranger in paradise 我是一个天堂中的陌生人
  All lost in a wonderland 在仙境中迷失一切
  A stranger in paradise 一个天堂中的陌生人
  If I stand starry-eyed 如果我站着空想
  That's the danger in paradise 那会是天堂中的危难
  For mortals who stand beside an angel like you 因为站在天使旁的那个凡人喜欢你

  I saw your face and I ascended 我看着你的脸,慢慢地上升
  Out of the commonplace into the rare 离开凡人的领域,进入到人迹稀罕的地方
  Now somewhere in space I hang suspended 如今我徘徊在宇宙中
  Until I know there's a chance that you care 直到我知道你那次在意的偶遇

  Won't you answer this fervent prayer 难道你不愿回应这个热情的
  Of a stranger in paradise 来自天堂中陌生人的祈祷
  Don't send me in dark despair 别将我送入黑暗
  From all that I hunger for 我一直渴望的绝望中
  But open your angel's arms 张开你天使的手臂
  To this stranger in paradise 拥抱着这个天堂中的陌生人
  And tell him that he need be 告诉他需要的一切
  A stranger no more 不再是个陌生人

  The Journey Home 返家的旅程

  The journey home is never too long 返家的旅程从不会太长
  Your heart arrives before the train 归心似箭
  The journey home is never too long 返家的旅程从不会太长
  Some yesterdays always remain 昨天依然还在

  I'm going back to where my heart was light 我将回到那个照亮我心的地方
  When my pillow was a ship, I sailed through the night 那时我的枕头将会是船,在夜里航行

  Aaah, aaah, aaah, aaah... 啊,哈,啊哈哈……

  Not every boat you come across is one you have to take 你并不要乘每一班船
  Now sometimes standing still can be the best move you ever make 有时,站在原地是最好的移动方式

  The journey home is never too long 返家的旅程从不会太长
  Home hopes to heal the deepest pain 家能治愈最深的伤痛
  The journey home is never too long 返家的旅程从不会太长
  Your heart arrives before the train 归心似箭

  The War Is Over 结束战争

  My statures are falling 我的身体在降落
  Like feathers of snow 像雪般的羽毛
  Their voices are calling 他们在呼唤
  In a whispering world 在一个搬弄是非的世界里
  Waiting for the morning glow 等待早晨的阳光

  Heaven is calling 天堂在召唤
  From rainy shores 来自雨中的海岸
  Counting wounded lights falling 数着受伤的心灵坠落
  Into their dreams 在他们的梦里
  Still searching for an open door 依然寻找那扇开敞的门

  In morning dew 清晨的露珠里
  A glorious scene came through 经历了光荣的场面
  Like war is over now 如战争结束了般
  I feel I'm coming home again 我感到自己又回家了

  Pure moments of thought 纯洁的思念瞬间
  In the meaning of love
  This war is over now 这场战争已经结束
  I feel I'm coming home again 我感到自己又回家了

  An arrow of freedom 自由之箭
  Is piercing my heart 刺穿我的心
  Breaking chains of emotion 打破情感镣链
  Give a moment to pray 给予瞬间去祈祷
  Lost innocence to find its way 为找到出路而失去无辜

  Fields of sensation 情感之野
  A cry in the dark 黑夜里的一声哭泣
  Hope is on the horizon 希望就在眼前
  With a reason to stay 留下的原因
  And living for a brand new day 是为了一种崭新的生活

  What A Wonderful World 多么美好的世界

  I see trees are green, red roses, too 我看见树的翠绿和玫瑰的红艳
  I see them bloom for me and you 她们为你我而绽放
  And I think to myself 我心中想着
  What a wonderful world 多么美好的世界啊

  I see skies of blue and clouds of white 我看到了蓝天与白云
  The bright blessed day 明亮、幸福的一天
  The dark says good night 夜晚向人们道晚安
  And I think to myself 我心中想着
  What a wonderful world 多么美好的世界啊

  The colors of the rainbow 彩虹的颜色
  So pretty in the sky 在天空中多么美丽
  Are also on the faces of people going by 那些过往的行人脸上也是
  I see friends shaking hands 我看到朋友互相握手
  Saying "how do you do?" 说着最近好吗
  They're really saying "I love you" 他们是真心的爱着彼此

  I hear babies cry, I watch them grow 我听着婴儿哭泣,看着他们长大
  They learn much more 他们学习着许多
  Than I'll never know 我从不知道的事物
  And I think to myself 我心中想着
  What a wonderful world 多么美好的世界啊

  What You Never Know 你从不知道

  What you never know won't hurt you 你从不知道我不会伤害你
  What you never know won't lie 你从不知道我不会对你说谎
  What you never know won't desert you 你从不知道我不会责罚你
  What you never know won't say goodbye 你从不知道我不会对你说再见

  What you never know won't hurt you 你从不知道我不会伤害你
  What you never know won't lie 你从不知道我不会对你说谎
  What you never know won't desert you 你从不知道我不会放弃你
  What you never know won't make you cry 你从不知道我不会让你哭泣

  What you never know 你从不知道
  What you never, never, never 你从不,从不,从不
  What you never know 你从不知道

  What you never know won't hurt you 你从不知道我不会伤害你
  What you never know won't lie 你从不知道我不会对你说谎
  What you never know won't desert you 你从不知道我不会放弃你
  What you never know - unless you try 你从不知道,除非你哭泣
  What you never know won't hurt you 你从不知道我不会伤害你

  It's A Beautiful Day 美好的一天

  With every new day 随着每一个新的日子
  Your promises fade away 你的诺言逐渐凋谢
  It's a fine day to see 看起来是一个好日子
  Though the last day for me 即使对我来说是最后一天
  It's a beautiful day 也是一个美好的一天

  Un bel di, vedremo
  Le varsi un fil di fumo
  Sull'e stremo con fin del mare
  E poi la nave appare

  With every new day 随着每一个新的日子
  Your promises fade away 你的诺言逐渐凋谢
  It's a fine day to see 看起来是一个好日子
  Though the last day for me 即使对我来说是最后一天
  It's a beautiful day 也是一个美好的一天

  It's the last day for me 对我来说是最后一天
  It's a beautiful day 也是一个美好的一天

  Harem 一千零一夜

  Burning sands, winds of desire 滚烫的沙滩,希望的风
  Mirrored oasis reflect a burning fire 镜子般的绿洲反射出一团熊熊燃烧的火
  Within my heart, unwatered, feeding the flame 在我的内心,干旱,助长着火焰
  Welcoming you to my Harem 欢迎你来到我的闺房

  Sing for me a song of life's visage 为我唱一首反映生活的歌
  Sing for me a tune of love's mirage 为我唱一曲爱的海市蜃楼

  Deep desires, sleep untold 深深地渴望,直到入睡了也未曾说
  Whispers that echo the desert of my soul 我灵魂沙漠中的回音在耳语
  I hold your Eastern promise close to my heart 我持着你东方的允诺紧闭心扉
  Welcoming you to my Harem 欢迎你来到我的闺房

  Sing for me a song of life's visage 为我唱一首反映生活的歌
  Sing for me a tune of love's mirage 为我唱一曲爱的海市蜃楼

  Time is change, time's fool is man 时光流逝,时光的傻子是人
  None will escape the passing sands of time 无人能逃过时光的流沙
  I hold your Eastern promise close to my heart 我持着你东方的允诺紧闭心扉
  Welcoming you to my Harem 欢迎你来到我的闺房

<scarborough fair>
are you going to scarborough fair
parsley sage rosemary and thyme
remember me to one who lives there
he once was a true love of mine
tell her to make me a cambric shirt
parsley sage rosemary and thyme
whitout no seams nor needle work
then he ll be a true love of mine
tell him to find me an acre of land
parsley sage rosemary and thyme
between salt water and the sea strands
then he ll be a true love of mine
tell him to reap it wiht a sickle and thyme
and gather is all in a bunch of heather
then he ll be a true love of mine
are you going to scaeborough fair
parsley sage rosemary and thyme
remember me to one who lives there
he once was a true love of mine