0 6岁儿童语言的发展:as poor as a ?这道习语的最后一个单词是什么?

来源:百度文库 编辑:查人人中国名人网 时间:2024/10/06 17:33:53
其他如as active as ? as awkward as a ? as bare as ? as large as ? as bright as the ? 等等~~

as absurd(荒唐) as putting together the pieces of vase
as bare as the back of one hand/a picked bone
as bald(秃) as a coot
as black as coal/ink/jet/midnight/pitch/soot/Styx/
as blind as a bat/beetle/mole
as bold as brass/a lion
as brave as a lion
as bright as a day/noonday/silver
as brittle as glass
as brown as berry
as busy as a bee
as changeable as weather/a clock/the moon
as cheerful as a lark
as clear as a bell/a day/crystal/ daylight/the nose on your face
as close as a clam/an oyster
as common as dirty
as cold as ice/marble/a stone/a cucumber/a key/charity/frog
as cool as a cucumber
as cross as a bear
as cunning(狡猾) as a fox
as dark as pitch
as dead as a door nail/mutton
as deaf as a post/a beetle/an adder
as deep as a wall
as different as chalk from cheese
as distinct as a day and night
as dry as dust/a stick/a bone/a biscuit
as drunk as a lord/a mouth/a sane
as dumb as a statue/an oyster/a fish
as dull as sawdust/cold dish water
as easy as ABC/lying/milking/shelling peas/my eye/an old shoe/going down the river/chasing a cow out of a meadow/pie/anything
as empty as a drum
as fair as a rose
as far as the eye could see
as fat as a pit/butter
as fierce as a tiger
as firm as rock
as fit as a flea/a fiddle
as flat as a pancake/a board
as free as a bird/air
as fleet (swift) as a deer
as fresh as a rose/a daisy
as gay as a lark
as gaudy(华丽) as a butterfly/a peacock
as gentle as a lamb
as good as gold/a play
as graceful as a swan
as grave as a judge
as greedy as a dog/a wolf/a pig
as green as grass
as gruff(粗暴) as a bear
as happy as a lark/the day is long/a king
as hard as flint/marble/a stone/iron/nails
as harmless as a dove
as heavy as a lead
as healthy as the fresh wind
as hoarse(嘶哑) as a crow
as hot as fire/pepper
as hungry as a wolf/a hunter
as innocent(天真) as a dove
as keen as mustard(芥母)
as large as life
as light as air/a butterfly/a feather/a cork/thistledown/
as like as two peas/two drops of water/two pees/chalk and cheese
as loose as a rope of sand
as loud as thunder
as mad as a March hare/a hatter(帽商)
as mean(卑鄙) as Scrooge
as merry as a cricket
as motionless as statue
as mute as a fish/mice
as nimble(灵巧) as a squirrel
as noise as a mynah
as obstinate as a mule
as old as the hills
as pale as death/wax/a ghost
as patient as an ox
as plain as the nose on one's face/a pikestaff
as pleased as Punch
as playful as a kitten
as plentiful as blackberries
as plump(胖)as a partridge(鹌鹑)
as poor as a church mouse/a beggar
as pretty as a picture
as proud as a peacock
as pure as the world of all
as quick as lightning/thought
as quiet as a lamb/a mouse
as rapid as lightning
as red as fire/a rose/a cheery/blood/beetroot
as regular as clockwork
as rich as Jesus/Croesus
as rigid as a stone
as ripe as a cherry
as round as an apple /a glob/a barrel
as salty as a herring
as sharp as a needle/razor
as silent as a dead/the stars/the grave/sphinx/a morgue
as silly as a goose/a sheep
as slender as a gossamer(蜘蛛)
as slippery as an eel
as sly as a fox
as slow as a tortoise
as smooth as butter/oil/glass/velvet
as sober(严肃) as a judge
as soft as butter/silk/wax/down(绒毛)
as sound as a bell
as sour as a crab/vinegar
as steady as a rock
as stiff as a poke/a post/death/ a grave
as tough as leather /nails
as straight as an arrow
as tricky(聪明) as a monkey
as strong as a horse/a lion
as true as steel
as stubborn(固执) as a mule
as stupid as a donkey
as sure as death
as surely as the night follows the day
as sweet as honey/sugar
as swift as an arrow/lightning/the wind
as tall as a maypole/a steeple/a poplar
as tame(驯服) as a cat
as tender as chicken
as thick as cable/hail/a stone/ porridge/a wall
as thin as rake/ water/shipping post/a bag of bones/a lath
as timid as a hare/a rabbit/mice
as tough as leather/bulls
as tricky as a monkey
as true as steel
as ugly as scare/a crow/a toad
as unstable as the very devil
as vain as water/a peacock
as warm as taost
as watchful as a hawk
as weak as baby/a cat/kitten
as wet as water/a drowned cat
as white as snow/sheet/wool/flour
as wise as Solomon/a serpent/an owl
as yielding(服从) as wax

poor as a church mouse
poor as a rat
as poor as a church mouse
as poor as a rat
(as) poor as Job
一贫如洗, 家徒四壁

as poor as a peasant
as active as a thief
as awkward as a corrupt officer
as bare as a prostitute
as large as O'Neal
as bright as me

as poor as a church mouse

church mouse