无缝管件型号:About "see"

来源:百度文库 编辑:查人人中国名人网 时间:2024/10/05 16:19:47
see doing 表示的是什么意思?see to do 表示的又是什么意思?好象有个是表示全过程的 还有个表示部分的 记不清楚了 大家谁知道了 指点指点啊

see doing表示看见正在做什么
see do表示看见做过了

主动语态情况下只有SEE SB DOING STH和SEE SB DO STH的搭配,前者有ING强调看到的动作正在发生,后者强调事情本身
如I saw her fighting with her husband last night
而I often see her fight with her husband.

see sb doing“看见某人正在做。。。”部分
see sb do(不是to do)“看到某人。。。”过程

see doing表示看见某人正在做某事(只看到一个状态)
see to do表示看见某人做了某事(看到的是整个过程)

I've got some personal affairs that I have to see to.我有一些个人的事情要处理。
Who is seeing to the arrangements for the next meeting?谁来负责安排下次会议?
I'll see to the guests when they arrive.客人来时,我负责接待。

在以上句子中,see to分别意为“处理”,“负责”,“接待”等。以下归纳see的一些特殊用法。


【用法】see +名词

eg:They are seeing the sights of Chang zhou Dinosaur Park.他们正在游览常州恐龙园。
I saw an opera in Nanjing.我在南京看了一场歌剧。


【用法】see +名词

eg:Mary is in a bad mood and doesn't want to see anyone today.玛丽今天心情不好,不想见任何人。
The President will see him this afternoon.今天下午总统将接见他。
She should see a doctor.她应该去医院看病。


【用法】①see +名词

eg:I can't see the disadvantage of doing that.我不明白那样做有何坏处。

②see +that/wh-从句,意为“明白……”。

eg:I can see that he is an able man.我知道他是个有才干的人。
Do you see what I mean?你理解我的意思吗?

③see +(副词)

eg:At last she understood and said,“Oh,Isee.?最后她终于懂了,说:“啊,我明白了。?
as far as I can see就我所知/在我知道的范围内



eg:I'll go and see what they are doing.我去看看他们在做什么。
See if the gas is turned off.去看看煤气是否已经关了。

②see +名词

eg:See the house before you take it.买房子之前先去看一下。


【用法】see +名词

eg:I have seen various difficulties.我曾遭遇过种种困难。
This old building has seen better days.这栋老房子曾有过辉煌的历史。
Last century has seen two world wars.上世纪经历过两次世界大战。


【用法】①see +名词/代词

eg:Isee life differently now.我现在对人生的看法不同了。
He saw himself as the savior of the world.他想象自己是救世主。

②see +名词+doing ,意为“想象某人做……?。

eg:I can't see you behaving like that.我无法想象你有那样的行为。


【用法】see +名词+副词

eg:He will see you home.他将送你回去。
I went to the airport to see my best friend off.我去机场给我最好的朋友送行。


【用法】see +that

eg:See that you are ready to leave at six.(你要)准备好在六点出发。
Please see that the birds in the cage get water and food every day.请注意每天给笼子里的鸟喂水喂食。


【用法】①see +doing

eg:I can't see being made fun of.我无法容忍被嘲笑。

②see +名词+do/doing,意为“默视(某人)做/在做……”。

eg:Ican't see people starve.我不能默视人们挨饿。
We can't see people starving.我们不能默视人们正在挨饿。

③see +名词+done,意为“容忍(某人)被……”。

eg:I can't see my old uncle left alone in the hospital.我不能容忍我年老的叔叔一个人留在医院。


1.see after 照顾

相当于短语look after,take care of等

eg:Please see after my baby when I am away.请在我不在的时候帮我照顾我的孩子。

2.see sb.damned /hanged /dead first /before〔表示坚决拒绝〕死也不肯

eg:I'll see you dead before I accept your terms.见鬼去吧,我才不接受你的条件呢。

3.see out

1)see sb.out 送某人出去

eg:See Kate out,Colin.科林,送凯特出门。

2)see...out 坚持到最后,熬过

eg:The task was difficult,but they were determined to see it out.这任务很艰巨,但他们决心坚持到底。

3)see...out 把(电影、戏剧等)看完

eg:That film was so boring that I couldn't see it out.那场电影太无聊了,令我无法看完。

4.see over 检查,仔细查看

eg:Sir,please open your briefcase!Let us see over it.先生,请打开你的箱子,让我们检查一下。

5.see through

1)see sb.through 帮助某人到最后

eg:This money is enough to see you through a week.这笔钱足够你度过一个星期。
2)see sth.through 办好某事
eg:I'll see everything through the Customs for you.我会帮你办好所有海关手续的。

6.see the back of sb.摆脱某人

eg:I should be glad to see the back of him.我真巴不得他快点走开。


eg:Seeing that he is ill,we'll do the work for him.既然他病了,我们来代他做这项工作吧。

8.see one's way to doing sth.有把握或有意做某事

相当于短语see how to manage to do sth.

eg:He didn't see his way to lending me the money I needed.他没有把握给我我所需要的钱。

9.see eye to eye看法完全一致

相当于短语agree with

eg:Teenagers and parents don't often see eye to eye.青少年与父母看法时常不一致。

10.see the red light觉察危险(或灾祸)迫近

eg:She saw the red light when she had painful aches during her work,and when she finished her work and went to see the doctor,the doctor told her thatshe was suffering from a serious disease.她工作时感觉到身体有些疼痛,便觉得事情有些不妙。下班后她去医院检查,医生告诉她得了很重的病。

11.you see〔用作插入语〕你瞧;你是知道的;要知道

eg:There,you see,the rains's stopped.瞧,雨停了。
A cupuncture,you see,is a very effective cure.你是知道的,针刺是很有效的疗法。
It's a serious problem,you see.要知道,这是个很严肃的问题。
