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已经知道《动物学研究》-ZOOLOGICAL STUDY和《东方昆虫》-ORITENAL INSECT两本,其他的还有哪些比较好发表的?

1 Journal of Biomedical Science (National Science Council, Taipei)
地址:10636 台北市大安区和平东路二段106号14楼

结合国内外生物医学界菁英及专业的医学期刊出版公司,以英文出版的国际性学术期刊。民国八十三年创刊,原为季刊,自八十五年起改为双月刊。本刊已被SCI, MEDLINE, EMBASE, BIOSIS, CA SEARCH, AIDSLINE, TOXLINE, Life Sciences Collection等十五个知名国际数据库收录。根据最新发布之《期刊引用报告》(Journal Citation Reports, 2003),本刊影响系数(impact factor)达1•937,堪称亚洲地区最具代表性的生物医学期刊。

Aims and Scope

The Journal of Biomedical Science is devoted to prompt publication of results from original research on fundamental and molecular aspects of basic medical sciences.

The purposes of the journal are to encourage interdisciplinary discussions and to contribute to the advancement of medicine.

Review articles of current interests are also invited.

Work on purely clinical aspects will not be included.

Online Submission

The Journal of Biomedical Science has a fully web-enabled manuscript submission and review system. This system offers authors the option of tracking in real time the review process of their manuscripts. The online manuscript and review system offers easy and straightforward log-in and submission procedures. It supports a wide range of submission file formats, including Word, WordPerfect, RTF, TXT and LaTeX for article text and TIFF, EPS, PS, GIF, JPEG and PPT for figures. PDF is not a recommended format.

Manuscripts should be submitted to:

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Electronic figures

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Tables and illustrations

Tables require a heading and the figures a legend and both should be numbered in Arabic numerals. Abbreviations in the legends should conform to those in the text. Electronically submitted b/w half-tone and color illustrations must have a final resolution of 300 dpi after scaling, line drawings one of 800-1,200 dpi. Photomicrographs should be calibrated on the print by adding a calibration bar. Any If any tables or illustrations submitted have been published elsewhere, written consent for republication should be obtained by the author from the holders of the copyright (usually the authors and the publishers).


The Journal's language is English. 'American' or 'British' English may be used. The article should, however, follow one style only. We appreciate any efforts that you make to ensure that the language is corrected before submission. This will greatly improve the legibility of your paper if English is not your first language.


All manuscripts are subject to editorial review.

The manuscript must be accompanied by a cover letter stating that the submitted work is not currently under consideration elsewhere and that all authors have seen and approved of the submission of manuscript for consideration of publication in Journal of Biomedical Science. Manuscripts are accepted for review with the understanding that persons cited for unpublished work have approved such citation. Authors may provide the names and contact information for three or four suggested reviewers for the manuscript.

Manuscripts which do not comply with the ethical standards recommended by the Helsinki Declaration will not be accepted for publication. The editors realize that the use of anesthetics, analgesics, and tranquilizers would defeat the purpose of some experiments. However, the use of painful or otherwise noxious stimuli must be carefully and thoroughly justified in the paper.

It is the author's responsibility to obtain permission to reproduce illustrations, tables, etc. from other publications.

The paper should comprise title page, Key Words, Abstract, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, References, tables, figure legends, and figures – in this order.

Short Communications

Short Communications are short articles that represent important new insights or major advances in biomedical science or the description of a novel biomedical methodology. Manuscripts submitted as Short Communications must report original and definitive research of significance to biomedical science. Follow the same outline, omitting headings except for Key Words, Abstract and References. Limitations are 5 manuscript pages (about 1,000 words) in length (including references and illustration), a maximum of 7 references, and 1 illustration.


Publications are copyrighted for the protection of the authors and the publisher (National Science Council, ROC). A Transfer of Copyright Agreement will be sent to the author. The form must be completed and returned to the publisher before the article can be published.

Manuscript Arrangement

Title page: The first page of each paper should indicate the title, the authors’ names, the institute where the work was conducted, and a short title for use as running head.

Full address: The exact postal address of the corresponding author complete with postal code must be given at the bottom of the title page. Please also supply an e-mail address, as well as phone and fax numbers.

Key Words: For indexing purposes, a list of 3–10 key words in English is essential.

Abstract: Each paper needs an abstract not exceeding 200 words.

Introduction: This section should not be labeled, but should begin on a new page. It should contain a clear statement of the aims of the reported work. A brief account of the background of the work may also be given in this section.

Methods: This section should contain explicit, concise descriptions of all new methods or procedures employed. Modifications of previously published methods should be described. Commonly used methods require only a citation of the original sources. When methods are described, the description should be such as to enable the reader to judge their accuracy, reproducibility, and reliability and to repeat the experiment.

Results: This section ordinarily contains the experimental data to be presented, but not extended discussions of their significance. Results should usually be presented in graphic or tabular form rather than discursively in the text. Graphic presentation of data is often preferred, but there should not be duplication in tables and figures. Sufficient data must be given to allow readers to judge variability and reliability of the results.

Discussion: This section should discuss the significance and implications of the results and present conclusions to be drawn from the results. Speculative discussion is not discouraged, but the speculation should be based on the data presented and identified as such. The Discussion should be as concise as possible, within the limits of ideas the authors wish to propose and adequate discussion of related work by others. For Short Communications, the Discussion may be incorporated into Results, heading as Results and Discussion.

Acknowledgments: These may be included at the end of the text of the manuscript. Grant support, if any, should be listed in this section.

Footnotes: Avoid footnotes. When essential, they are numbered consecutively and typed at the foot of the appropriate page.

Statistics, Measurements
Statistical tests used and the data analyzed should be explained so that the findings can be interpreted and evaluated. Wherever possible, statistical probability (p) in tables, figures, and figure legends should be expressed as * p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01, and *** p < 0.001.

Scientific measurements should be given in SI units.

Generic names should be used in text, tables, and figures. Trade names in upper case may be mentioned in parentheses in the first text reference to the drug but should not appear in titles, figures, or tables. The chemical nature of new drugs must be given when it is known. The form of drug used in calculations of doses (e.g., base or salt) should be indicated in Methods.

When an abbreviation is to be used in the manuscript, it is to be defined in the text the first time it is used. Abbreviations for commonly used substances should be those recommended by the Journal of Biological Chemistry. Abbreviations for drugs/chemicals may be used if properly defined with the chemical or generic name when the abbreviation is first used. Excessive use of abbreviations in the text, however, is strongly discouraged. Most abbreviations are used without punctuation, with no distinction between singular and plural forms.

The abbreviations, or their properly prefixed multiples or submultiples (e.g., kg, g, mg, microgram [greek letter mu + g], ng, pg), listed below may be used without definition in text, tables, and figures.

gram g
mole mol
equivalent Eq

volt V
ampere A
cycles/s Hz

molar (mol/l) M
normal (Eq/l) N
percent %

curie Ci
disintegration per minute dpm
roentgen R

meter m
angstrom Å
milliliter ml

hour h
minute min
second s

degrees of temperature °C
dissociation constant Kd
gravity g
median doses LD50, ED50, etc.
optically isometric forms d-, l-, dl-
routes of drug administration i.v., i.p., s.c., i.m.
standard deviation SD
standard error SE
kilobase (pair) kb
kilodaltons kD

Literature cited should be prepared according to the Numbered style of the Council of Biology
Editors. References should be cited by number, in parentheses, within the text (only one reference
to a number, starting with 1, 2 etc.) and listed in numbered order (double spaced) on a separate
sheet at the end of the manuscript. Do not recite names of authors within the text.
Journal citations in the reference list should contain the following: (a) surnames and initials of all authors (surname precedes initials). Preferably, please cite all authors; (b) title of article; (c) journal title abbreviated as listed in the List of Journals Indexed in Index Medicus; (d) volume, inclusive pages, and year.
Book references should be in the following order: author, title, editors, name of the book, city of publication, publisher, pages and year.

Digital Object Identifier (DOI)
Springer Publishers supports DOIs as unique identifiers for articles. A DOI number will be printed on the title page of each article. DOIs can be useful in the future for identifying and citing articles published online without volume or issue information. More information can be found at www.doi.org


Kubinyi, H. (Ed.) 3D QSAR in Drug Design: Theory, Methods and Applications, ESCOM, Leiden, The
Netherlands, 1993.
References to essays in an edited collection:
Siadak A.W. and Lostrom M.E. Cell-driven viral transformation. In: Engleman E.G., Fong S.K.H.,
Larrick J. and Raubitschek A. (Eds), Human Hybridomas and Monoclonal Antibodies. Plenum Press,
New York, 1984, pp. 167–185.

References to essays in conference proceedings should include the author's name(s); editor's name(s); title of proceedings; place and date of conference; publisher and/or organization from whom the proceedings can be obtained; place of publication; year of publication; first and last page numbers.
For example:
Hsieh, Y.F., Verentchikov, A., Gabeler, S., Vestal, M. and Martin, S.A., HPLC '96 - 20th International Symposium on High Performance Liquid Phase Separation and Related Techniques, San Francisco, CA,
U.S.A., June 16-21, 1996.

References to articles in periodicals:
Zucker F.D., Pancake B.A., Marmor M. and Legler P.M. Reexamination of human T cell lymphotropic
virus type I and type II (HTLV-I/II) prevalence. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 94: 6403–6407, 1997.

References to technical reports or doctoral dissertations should include the author's name; title of article in italics; institution; location of institution; year of publication.
For example:
Aslam Noor, M., Theory of Variational Inequalities, Lecture Notes, Mathematics Department, King Sand University, Riyadh, 1996.

No more than four references should be cited in support of any given point. The authors are responsible for the accuracy of such citations and are urged to take utmost care in proof-reading the citations and the reference list.

Citing Internet References

World Wide Web: All references should include the same information that would be provided for a printed source (or as much of that information as possible). The Web information is then placed at the end of the reference. It is important to use "Retrieved from" and the date because documents on the Web may change in content, move, or be removed from a site altogether. To cite a Web site in text (but not a specific document), it is sufficient to give the address (e.g., http://www.apa.org) there and no reference entry is needed. However, when citing a particular web page a citation in the text (e.g. Gaten 2000) and an entry in the reference list will be required. For example:

Gaten E. (2000) Internet references. Retrieved from
http://www.le.ac.uk/biology/teach/mod300/ecitations.html 19/9/2000

E-mail: E-mail communications from individuals should be cited as personal communications. The format in
the text (personal communications are not cited in the reference list) is as follows: (E. Gaten personal communication, March 28, 2001). It is possible to send an e-mail note disguised as someone else. Authors - not journal editors or copy editors - are responsible for the accuracy of all references, which includes verifying the source of e-mail communications before citing them as personal communications in manuscripts.
One of the most comprehensive guides to citing internet references is provided by the American Psychological Association:

One of the most complete sites on citing electronic sources is the UCL Library Services page at:

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No page charges are levied on authors or their institutions except for color pages. Please see the section labeled ‘Color Figures’ in Manuscript Submission.

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For further information, please contact the Publisher:

Peter Butler, Editorial Director, Springer

2.动物研究学刊 (Zoological Studies) 中央研究院动物研究所
Institute of Zoology, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan 115, R.O.C.
Phone and Fax No.: 886-2-27899529
E-mail: zoolstud@gate.sinica.edu.tw

Zoological Studies, a quarterly journal (formerly Bulletin of the Institute of Zoology, Academia Sinica) and receives research papers from Taiwan and overseas. For the past two years, the journal published about eighty papers from twenty-nine universities/research organizations that are located in ten different countries/districts.

Zoological Studies enjoys worldwide circulation and has been chosen by the international database "Current Contents" and "SCI" for some years. It is one of a very few scientific journals published in Taiwan that receives international recognition. For the past few years, it has been awarded "The most Excellent National Scientific Journal" by our government research funding council, the "National Science Council".

For Authors


Zoological Studies (Zool. Stud.) publishes original research papers in the broad field of zoology. Manuscripts are welcome from any country, but must be written in English. Authors who submit exceptionally long manuscripts may be asked to defray a portion of related printing cost. Colored photographs can be printed at the author's expense. This journal will provide 50 free reprints of accepted articles per publication; additional reprints will be available at the author's expense.

With the exception of invited review papers, submissions must include a cover letter stating that the paper is based on previously unpublished original research and has not been submitted to another journal for publication. If the paper concerns the use of the animals or specimens in research, a statement to the effect that the author (s) has adhered to the legal requirements of the country in which the work was carried out or to any institutional guidelines should be included. Original manuscripts plus two photocopies-including camera-ready figures-should be sent to the editorial office with "MANUSCRIPT" clearly written on the envelope. Authors are encouraged to provide the names and contact addresses of four possible reviewers.

Authors of accepted papers must submit final electronic revised versions. Computer files should be sent in ASCII format. As this journal is printed from these computer files, authors must ensure the accuracy of their contents. Those authors who do not have appropriate computer facilities should inform the editorial office early on. The Editorial Board has final authority concerning accepta