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求比较全面一点的,比如program files和desktop目录等


2005.12.09 第1版

Keywords: Windows XP | Microsoft Windows | Network administration/implementation
关键字:Windows XP | Microsoft Windows | 网络管理/实施

Windows XP's environment variables control the behavior of batch files and programs, and also control the way Windows XP and the MS-DOS subsystem appears and works. Check out this list of environment variables, along with their descriptions.

Windows XP的环境变量控制了批处理文件和程序的行为,也控制了Windows XP和MS-DOS子系统的显示和工作方式。检阅这个环境变量列表,连同它们的描述。

《endurer注:1。check out v. 付帐后离开, ,检验, 合格, 及格
2。along with 连同...一起, 随同...一起》

Environment variables are used to control the behavior of batch files and programs in Windows XP; they also control the way Windows XP and the MS-DOS subsystem appears and works. To see a complete list of the environment variables that are active on a Windows XP system, follow these steps:
环境变量用于控制Windows XP里的批处理文件和程序的行为,也控制了Windows XP和MS-DOS子系统的显示和工作方式。要看在Windows XP系统中现行的完整环境变量列表,请按下列步骤操作:

Open a Command Prompt window.

Type Set and press [Enter].

You'll see a list of the current environment variable settings. While some of them are familiar, such as PATH, and some are easy to figure out, such as COMPUTERNAME, others are more cryptic. Here's a sampling of Windows XP's environment variables:

《endurer注:1。figure out 合计为, 计算出, 解决, 断定, 领会到》

ALLUSERSPROFILE: Lists the location of the All Users Profile.

APPDATA: Lists the location where applications store data by default.
APPDATA: 列出应用程序数据的默认存放位置。

CD: Lists the current directory string.
CD: 列出当前目录。

CLIENTNAME: List the client's NETBIOS name when connected to terminal server session.
CLIENTNAME: 列出联接到终端服务会话时客户端的NETBIOS名。

CMDCMDLINE: Lists the command line used to start the current cmd.exe.
CMDCMDLINE: 列出启动当前cmd.exe所使用的命令行。

CMDEXTVERSION: Lists the version number of the current Command Processor Extensions.
CMDEXTVERSION: 命令出当前命令处理程序扩展版本号。

CommonProgramFiles: Lists the path to the Common Files folder.
CommonProgramFiles: 列出了常用文件的文件夹路径。

COMPUTERNAME: Lists the name of the computer.

COMSPEC: Lists the path to the command shell executable.
COMSPEC: 列出了可执行命令外壳(命令处理程序)的路径。

DATE: Lists the current date.
DATE: 列出当前日期。

ERRORLEVEL: Lists the error code of the most recently used command.
ERRORLEVEL: 列出了最近使用的命令的错误代码。

HOMEDRIVE: Lists the drive letter is connected to the user's home directory.
HOMEDRIVE: 列出与用户主目录所在的驱动器盘符。

HOMEPATH: Lists the full path of the user's home directory.
HOMEPATH: 列出用户主目录的完整路径。

HOMESHARE: Lists the network path to the user's shared home directory.
HOMESHARE: 列出用户共享主目录的网络路径。

LOGONSEVER: Lists the name of the domain controller that validated the current logon session.
LOGONSEVER: 列出有效的当前登录会话的域名控制器名。

NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS: Lists the number of processors installed on the computer.
NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS: 列出了计算机安装的处理器数。

OS: Lists the name of the operating system. (Windows XP and Windows 2000 list the operating system as Windows_NT.)
OS: 列出操作系统的名字。(Windows XP 和 Windows 2000 列为 Windows_NT.)

Path: Lists the search path for executable files.
Path: 列出了可执行文件的搜索路径。

PATHEXT: Lists the file extensions that the operating system considers to be executable.
PATHEXT: 列出操作系统认为可被执行的文件扩展名。

PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE: Lists the processor's chip architecture.

PROCESSOR_IDENTFIER: Lists the description of the processor.

PROCESSOR_LEVEL: Lists the model number of the computer's processor.
PROCESSOR_LEVEL: 列出了计算机的处理器的型号。

PROCESSOR_REVISION: Lists the revision number of the processor.

ProgramFiles: Lists the path to the Program Files folder.
ProgramFiles: 列出了Program Files文件夹的路径。

PROMPT: Lists the command-prompt settings for the current interpreter.
PROMPT: 列出了当前命令解释器的命令提示设置。

RANDOM: Lists a random decimal number between 0 and 32767.
RANDOM: 列出界于0 和 32767之间的随机十进制数。

SESSIONNAME: Lists the connection and session names when connected to terminal server session.
SESSIONNAME: 列出连接到终端服务会话时的连接和会话名。

SYSTEMDRIVE: Lists the drive containing the Windows root directory.
SYSTEMDRIVE: 列出了Windows启动目录所在驱动器。

SYSTEMROOT: Lists the location of the Windows root directory.
SYSTEMROOT: 列出了Windows启动目录的位置。

TEMP and TMP: List default temporary directories for applications that are available to users who are currently logged on.

TEMP and TMP: 列出了当前登录的用户可用应用程序的默认临时目录。

TIME: Lists the current time.
TIME: 列出当前时间。

USERDOMAIN: Lists the name of the domain that contains the user's account.
USERDOMAIN: 列出了包含用户帐号的域的名字。

USERNAME: Lists the name of the user currently logged on.
USERNAME: 列出当前登录的用户的名字。

USERPROFILE: Lists the location of the profile for the current user.
USERPROFILE: 列出当前用户Profile文件位置。

WINDIR: Lists the location of the OS directory.
WINDIR: 列出操作系统目录的位置。


ALLUSERSPROFILE=H:\Documents and Settings\All Users //所有用户的PROFILE路径
APPDATA=H:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Application Data //当前用户的应用程序路径
ClusterLog=H:\WINDOWS\Cluster\cluster.log //集群日志路径
CommonProgramFiles=H:\Program Files\Common Files //应用程序公用的文件路径
COMPUTERNAME=E2003 //计算机名称
ComSpec=H:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe //当前的命令解释器
HOMEDRIVE=H: //当前用户的主盘
HOMEPATH=\Documents and Settings\Administrator //当前用户的主目录
LOGONSERVER=\E2003 //登录的服务器
NUMBER_O_PROCESSORS=1 //当前计算机的处理器数字
OS=Windows_NT //当前系统的内核
Path=H:\Program Files\Support Tools\;H:\WINDOWS\system32; //学过DOS的都知道
PATHEXT=.COM;.EXE;.BAT;.CMD;.VBS;.VBE;.JS;.JSE;.WSF;.WSH //以前DOS下默认的是COM,EXE,BAT,现在已经有这么多了哟,以前都不知道,脚本都可以不打扩展名了
PROCESSOR_IDENTIFIER=x86 Family 15 Model 1 Stepping 3, GenuineIntel //处理器标识符
PROCESSOR_LEVEL=15 //没注意过,不知道有什么用
ProgramFiles=H:\Program Files //应用程序的默认安装目录
PROMPT=$P$G //学过DOS的都知道
SESSIONNAME=Console //会话名称?
SystemDrive=H: //系统所在的盘符
SystemRoot=H:\WINDOWS //系统所在的目录
TEMP=H:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1\LOCALS~1\Temp //当前用户的临时目录
USERNAME=administrator //当前用户名
USERPROFILE=H:\Documents and Settings\Administrator //当前用户的配置文件目录
windir=H:\WINDOWS //windows所在的目录,总是跟systemroot一样