
来源:百度文库 编辑:查人人中国名人网 时间:2024/10/04 16:50:14
简述李清照的生平情况, 李清照词作以南渡为界,可分为前后两期,前期抒写自然景物,闺帏情怀,风格轻灵淡雅,后期经个人遭遇,思乡怀旧为主,风格沉郁愁苦.
论文结合具体例子重点论述李清照词鲜明的艺术特色: 李清照词大胆,率真\细腻抒写自己的真情实感;以日常为题材,以言情为主,贴近人情,富于生活气息;与题材相应。李清照词多用线型结构;症状善用白描手法,抒情储蓄委婉、耐人寻味;李清照词以柔婉见长,但柔中带刚,婉中含豪,刚柔融通;运用鲜明的对比手法,巧用新颖的比喻、贴切的拟人手法;化俗为雅、工巧的遣词造词,自然清新的口语,匠心独运的叠词,构成独特语言风格;和谐优美的声律。李清照在词坛取得杰出的成就。
关键词:李清照 词 艺术特点 成就价值

On The Artistic Features Of Li Qingzhao's Ci Poems
Abstract: A short summary of Li Qingzhao's lifespan. Her ci poems can be divided into two types of styles with a dividing line of Nandu. The former one describes the natural scenery and a girl's adolescence with a graceful and pubescent style while the later one tells her own life experience, very nostalgia and gloomy.

The artile mainly discusses brilliant artistic features of Li Qingzhao's ci poems with many examples which are straightforward and vivid to reveal her real feelings. Her poems use the everyday life as their theme to show her feelings which in turn are in accordance with the theme. Her poems are very simple and plain while the feelings in them are concealed to be found out. And such kind of tenderness contains a kind of strong feeling in it. With the clear contrast skill, original simile and suitable personification, her poems change the ordinary into the elegant. And her command of words is so skillful that brisk spoken language, innovative repeation of words, and the harmonious rhythm form her own special style. In a word, Li Qingzhao achieved a lot in the field of ci poem.
Key words: Li Qingzhao, ci, artistic features, achievement

Talk about the art characteristics of LI3 QING ZHAO4's phrase
Thesis brief summary:
JIAN3 SHU4 LI3 is pure to shine on usually circumstance, LI3 QING ZHAO4's phrase make to take south 渡 as the boundary, can is divided into in front and back two periods, expected to express to write the natural scenery, the state of mind of 闺帏 before, the style worked properly lightly elegantly simple, expect behind through personal situation, think of home the bosom old is a lord, deeply depressed sorrow bitterness of style.
The thesis combines the concrete example point to discuss the fresh and clear art special features of LI3 QING ZHAO4's phrase: LI3 QING ZHAO4 phrase brave, frank\ delicate express the genuine feeling of write the oneself solid feeling; with usually is topic, with speech feeling is lord, come close the human feelings, rich in life breathing; correspond with topic.LI3 QING ZHAO4's phrase uses a structure of line more;The symptom knows how to handle the white to copy the skill, the sentiment save tactful, puzzling;LI3 QING ZHAO4's phrase is good at soft 婉 , but soft win to take just, contain the 豪 in the 婉 , just soft and congenial;Make use of the fresh and clear contrast skill, the 巧 uses the novel parable, much to the point personification skill;Turn vulgar send the phrase to build the phrase for the 雅 , the work 巧 , natural delightfully fresh vernacular speech, fold the phrase ambidexteritily, constitute the special language style;Harmonize a 律 .LI3 QING ZHAO4 obtains the outstanding achievement in the phrase 坛 .
Keyword:LI3 QING ZHAO4's phrase art characteristics achievement value