
来源:百度文库 编辑:查人人中国名人网 时间:2024/10/02 18:13:47
2/ 床前明月光,疑是地上霜,举头望明月,低头思故乡.
对drmgygo的话的回应:拒不加分! 这是练习你翻译的能力, 我给你创造空间让你尽情发挥想像力. 居然还找我要分(看什么,把这句话也给我翻译一遍):)(注,我不是兄弟.)

I love you,
I even can die for you;
but for you,
I cann't die because
there will not be anyone else like me
to love you so much after I die;

A bright moonlight in front of my bed,
Thought it was the frost on the ground,
Looked up to see the bright moonlight,
Looked down to think my hometown.

i love you so much that i can sacrifice myself for you. but i can't do that.because i am not sure that anyone can love you so much like me after my death.

I love you, even give my life.But I can't, for nobody will love you as me if I do.

I love you. The love dedicates my life to you, further more, it stops me from my death, as my love is unique in the world.

The moon rises, and the room is shined white,
the air is cold, just as the moon,
the traveller heads down.
the home is far, and near in dream, again and again...

I love you!
And could sacrifice for you.
However, I cannot,
For I know that
after my death,
nobody could love you so much as I do.

Thoughts in the Silent Night静夜思

Moonlight spraying by my bed
I took it for frost on the ground!
I Lift up my head and take in the full moon
then I look down and dream of my motherland.