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[delivering his rehearsed speech]
Luca Brasi : Don Corleone, I am honored and grateful that you have invited me to your daughter... 's wedding... on the day of your daughter's wedding. And I hope their first child be a masculine child. I pledge my ever-ending loyalty.
[after Michael gets off the phone with Kay, clearly too embarrassed to tell her "I love you too."]
Clemenza : Mikey, why don't you tell that nice girl you love her? "I love you with all-a my heart, if I don't see-a you again soon, I'm-a gonna die..."
Sonny : Goddamn FBI don't respect nothin'.
Fabrizio : In Sicily, women are more dangerous than shotguns.
Sonny : I want someone good, I mean very good, to plant that gun. I don't want my brother coming out of the bathroom with just his dick in his hands.
Michael : My father is no different than any powerful man, any man with power, like a president or senator.
Kay Adams : Do you know how naive you sound, Michael? Presidents and senators don't have men killed.
Michael : Oh. Who's being naive, Kay?
Jack Woltz : Johnny Fontane never gets that movie. That part is perfect for him, it'll make him a big star, and I'm gonna run him out of the business - and let me tell you why: Johnny Fontane ruined one of Woltz International's most valuable proteges. For five years we had her under training - singing lessons, acting lessons, dancing lessons. I spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on her, I was gonna make her a big star. And let me be even more frank, just to show you that I'm not a hard-hearted man, and that it's not all dollars and cents: She was beautiful; she was young; she was innocent. She was the greatest piece of ass I've ever had, and I've had 'em all over the world. And then Johnny Fontane comes along with his olive oil voice and guinea charm, and she runs off. She threw it all away just to make me look ridiculous! And a man in my position can't afford to be made to look ridiculous!
Jack Woltz : Now you listen to me, you smooth talking son-of-a-bitch. Let me lay it on the line for you and your boss, whoever he is. Johnny Fontane will never get that movie. I don't care how many dago guinea wop greaseball goombahs come out of the woodwork.
[first lines]
Bonasera : I believe in America. America has made my fortune.
Michael : That's my family, Kay. It's not me.
Don Corleone : Do you spend time with your family? Good. Because a man that doesn't spend time with his family can never be a real man.
Tom Hagen : Now we have the unions, we have the gambling; and they're the best things to have. But narcotics is a thing of the future. And if we don't get a piece of that action, we risk everything we have. I mean not now, but, ah, ten years from now.
[Luca Brasi's bulletproof vest is delivered, wrapped around a fish]
Clemenza : It's a Sicilian message. It means Luca Brasi sleeps with the fishes.
Tessio : Can you get me off the hook, Tom? For old times' sake?
Tom Hagen : Can't do it, Sally.
Don Corleone : Tattaglia's a pimp. He never could've out-fought Santino. But I didn't know until this day that it was Barzini all along.
Don Corleone : I spent my whole life trying not to be careless. Women and children can be careless. But not men.
Tom Hagen : You know how they're going to come at you?
Michael : They want to arrange a meeting between me and Barzini. On Tessio's ground. Where I'll be safe.
Don Corleone : You talk about vengeance. Is vengeance going to bring your son back to you? Or my boy to me?
Don Corleone : I never thought you were a bad consiglieri, Tom. I thought Santino was a bad don, rest in peace.
Don Corleone : What have I ever done to make you treat me so disrespectfully? If you'd come to me in friendship, then this scum that ruined your daughter would be suffering this very day. And if by chance an honest man like yourself should make enemies, then they would become my enemies. And then they would fear you.
Don Corleone : I like to drink wine more than I used to.
Michael : It's good for ya, Pop.
Don Corleone : Anyway I'm drinkin' more.
Tom Hagen : Mr. Corleone never asks a second favor once he's refused the first, understood?
[after being asked how he will arrange to buy a hotel from Moe Greene]
Michael : I'll make him an offer he can't refuse.
[speaking with the father of the girl he plans to marry, and after telling him that he's in hiding from some gangsters]
Michael : Some people will pay a lot of money for that information; but then your daughter would lose a father, instead of gaining a husband.
Michael : Fredo, you're my older brother and I love you, but don't ever take sides with anyone against the family again. Ever.
Sonny : Hey, whataya gonna do, nice college boy, eh? Didn't want to get mixed up in the Family business, huh? Now you wanna gun down a police captain. Why? Because he slapped ya in the face a little bit? Hah? What do you think this is the Army, where you shoot 'em a mile away? You've gotta get up close like this and bada-bing. you blow their brains all over your nice Ivy League suit. C'mere...
[kisses Michael's head]
Michael : Sonny...
Sonny : You're taking this very personal. Tom, this is business and this man is taking it very personal.
Michael : It's not personal, Sonny. It's strictly business.
Moe Greene : Do you know who I am? I'm Moe Greene. I made my bones while you were going out with cheerleaders.
Sollozzo : I'm a businessman, Tom. I don't like violence; blood is a big expense.
Michael : My father made him an offer he couldn't refuse.
Kay Adams : What was that?
Michael : Luca Brasi, held a gun to his head, and my father assured him, that either his brain or his signature would be on the contract.
Michael : Ah, get me Long Beach 4-5620. please
Don Corleone : Someday - and that day may never come - I'll call upon you to do a service for me. But until that day, accept this justice as gift on my daughter's wedding day.
Sonny : We don't discuss business at the table.
Don Corleone : I never wanted this for you. I work my whole life - I don't apologize - to take care of my family, and I refused to be a fool, dancing on the string held by all those bigshots. I don't apologize - that's my life - but I thought that, that when it was your time, that you would be the one to hold the string. Senator Corleone; Governor Corleone. Well, it wasn't enough time, Michael. It wasn't enough time.
Michael : We'll get there, pop. We'll get there.
[after Sonny beats up Carlo Rizzi for hitting Connie]
Sonny : You touch my sister again, I'll kill you.
Don Corleone : You could act like a man.
[slaps Johnny Fontane]
Don Corleone : What's the matter with you? Is this what you've become, some Hollywood finnochio that cries like a woman?
[mockingly imitates Johnny]
Don Corleone : Oh, Godfather, what am I gonna do? What am I gonna do?
Don Corleone : I'm a superstitious man, and if some unlucky accident should befall Michael - if he is to be shot in the head by a police officer, or be found hung dead in a jail cell... or if he should be struck by a bolt of lightning - then I'm going to blame some of the people in this room; and then I do not forgive. But with said, I pledge - on the souls of my grandchildren - that I will not be the one to break the peace that we have made today.
Michael : Don't ask me about my business, Kay.
[to his associate, who has killed Paulie in the car]
Clemenza : Leave the gun.
Clemenza : Take the cannolis.
Clemenza : You know any goodest spots on the west side?
Paulie Gatto : Yeah, I think about it.
Clemenza : Well think about it while you're driving, I wanna hit New York sometime this month.
Capt. McCluskey : Is the Italian food good here?
Sollozzo : Yeah, try the veal; it's the best in the city.
Kansas City Don: [talking about opposition to drug dealing] I, too, don't believe in drugs. For years I paid my people extra to stay away from that sort of stuff, but someone comes along saying, "I've got powders where if you put up a three to four thousand dollar investment, you can make fifty thousand distributing," then there is no way to resist it. I want to keep it respectable. I DON'T WANT IT NEAR SCHOOLS, I DON'T WANT IT SOLD TO CHILDREN! In my city, we'd keep the traffic in the Dark People, the Coloreds - they're animals anyway; so let them lose their souls.
Clemenza : All right, you just shot 'em both. Now what do you do?
Michael : Sit down and finish my dinner.
Sonny : How's Paulie?
Clemenza : Oh, Paulie... won't see him no more.
Connie : Dinner's on the table.
Carlo Rizzi : I'm not hungry yet.
Connie : Your food is on the table. It's getting cold.
Carlo Rizzi : I'll eat out later.
Connie : You just told me to make you dinner!
Carlo Rizzi : Hey, vaffanculo, eh?
Connie : I'll vaffanculo you!
Don Corleone : [seeing Sonny in the mortuary] Look how they massacred my boy.
Don Corleone : Never let anyone outside the family know what you're thinking.
卡萨布兰卡/北非谍影 Casablanca
Annina: And he never knew, and the girl kept this bad thing locked in her heart? That would be all right, wouldn't it?
Annina: Monsieur Rick, what kind of a man is Captain Renault?
Annina: Oh, monsieur, you are a man. If somone loved you very much, so that your happiness was the only thing that she wanted in the world, but she did a bad thing to make certain of it, could you forgive her?
Annina: Oh, yes, please.
Banker: Perhaps if you told him I ran the second largest banking house in Amsterdam.
Banker: We have something to look forward to.
Banker: What? Do you know who I am?
Berger: We read five times that you were killed, in five different places.
Captain Renault: Carl, see that Major Strasser gets a good table, one close to the ladies.
Captain Renault: Everybody out at once!
Captain Renault: Excuse me.
Captain Renault: He is traveling with a lady.
Captain Renault: Hmmh! Diplomatist!
Captain Renault: How extravagant you are, throwing away women like that. Some day they may be scarce.
Captain Renault: I think not. I have seen the lady.
Captain Renault: I was informed you were the most beautiful woman ever to visit Casablanca. That was gross understatement.
Captain Renault: I'll be there at ten.
Captain Renault: I'm afraid Major Strasser would insist.
Captain Renault: I'm just writing the report now. We haven't quite decided whether he committed suicide or died trying to escape.
Captain Renault: I'm shocked, shocked to find that gambling is going on in here!
Captain Renault: I've often speculated why you don't return to America. Did you abscond with the church funds? Run off with a senator's wife? I like to think you killed a man. It's the Romantic in me.
Captain Renault: If he ever gets a word in, it'll be a major Italian victory.
Captain Renault: In 1935, you ran guns to Ethiopia. In 1936, you fought in Spain, on the Loyalist side.
Captain Renault: Is that a serious offer?
Captain Renault: Major Strasser has been shot. Round up the usual suspects.
Captain Renault: Make it ten. I'm only a poor corrupt official.
Captain Renault: Mamoiselle, you are in Rick's! And Rick is...
Captain Renault: My dear Ricky, you overestimate the influence of the Gestapo. I don't interfere with them and they don't interfere with me. In Casablanca I am master of my fate! I am...
Captain Renault: No matter how clever he is, he still needs an exit visa... or I should say two?
Captain Renault: Oh no! Not here please! Come to my office tomorrow morning. We'll do everything businesslike.
Captain Renault: Oh no, Emil, please. A bottle of your best champagne, and put it on my bill.
Captain Renault: Oh, please, monsieur. It is a little game we play. They put it on the bill, I tear up the bill. It is very convenient.
Captain Renault: Realizing the importance of the case, my men are rounding up twice the usual number of suspects.
Captain Renault: Rick, there are many exit visas sold in this café, but we know that you've never sold one. That is the reason we permit you to remain open.
Captain Renault: That is another reason.
Captain Renault: That makes Rick a citizen of the world.
Captain Renault: The waters? What waters? We're in the desert.
Captain Renault: The winning side would have paid you much better.
Captain Renault: This is the end of the chase.
Captain Renault: We are very honored tonight, Rick. Major Strasser is one of the reasons the Third Reich enjoys the reputation it has today.
Captain Renault: We musn't underestimate American blundering. I was with them when they blundered into Berlin in 1918.
Captain Renault: Well, personally, Major, I will take what comes.
Captain Renault: Well, Rick is the kind of man that... well, if I were a woman, and I were not around, I should be in love with Rick. But what a fool I am talking to a beautiful woman about another man.
Captain Renault: What in heaven's name brought you to Casablanca?
Captain Renault: [sotto voce] Oh, thank you very much.
Carl: Hm. You will get along beautiful in America, mm-hmm.
Carl: Honest? As honest as the day is long!
Carl: I have already given him the best, knowing he is German and would take it anyway.
Carl: Oh, thank you very much. I thought you would ask me, so I brought the good brandy. And - a third glass!
Carl: Second largest? That wouldn't impress Rick. The leading banker in Amsterdam is now the pastry chef in our kitchen.
Carl: To America!
Carl: Very nice idea, mm-hmm.
Croupier: Your winnings, sir.
Customer: Are you sure this place is honest?
Emil: Very well, sir.
Heinz: Can you imagine us in London?
Ilsa: A franc for your thoughts.
Ilsa: But what about us?
Ilsa: But, Richard, no, I... I...
Ilsa: How nice, you remembered. But of course, that was the day the Germans marched into Paris.
Ilsa: I didn't count the days.
Ilsa: I wasn't sure you were the same. Let's see, the last time we met...
Ilsa: I wish I didn't love you so much.
Ilsa: I'll hum it for you. Da-dy-da-dy-da-dum, da-dy-da-dee-da-dum...
Ilsa: Kiss me. Kiss me as if it were the last time.
Ilsa: No.
Ilsa: Play it once, Sam. For old times' sake.
Ilsa: Play it, Sam. Play "As Time Goes By."
Ilsa: Sing it, Sam.
Ilsa: Thank you for the coffee, monsieur. I shall miss that when I leave Casablanca.
Ilsa: That's easy: there was. And he's dead.
Ilsa: Well, I'm willing to be overcharged. Tell me.
Ilsa: When I said I would never leave you.
Ilsa: Who is he?
Ilsa: Who is Rick?
Ilsa: Why there is no other man in my life?
Ilsa: Yes?
Ilsa: You're saying this only to make me go.
Jan Brandel: Captain Renault... may I?
Jan Brandel: We'll be there at six!
Major Heinrich Strasser: You repeat *Third* Reich as though you expected there to be others!
Major Strasser: Are you one of those people who cannot imagine the Germans in their beloved Paris?
Major Strasser: How about New York?
Major Strasser: What is your nationality?
Major Strasser: You give him credit for too much cleverness. My impression was that he's just another blundering American.
Mr. Leuchtag: Come sit down. Have a brandy with us.
Mr. Leuchtag: Liebchen - sweetnessheart, what watch?
Mr. Leuchtag: Mareichtag and I are speaking nothing but English now.
Mr. Leuchtag: Such much?
Mr. Leuchtag: [toasting] To America!
Mrs. Leuchtag: At last the day is came!
Mrs. Leuchtag: So we should feel at home when we get to America.
Mrs. Leuchtag: Ten watch.
Mrs. Leuchtag: To America!
Mrs. Leuchtag: To celebrate our leaving for America tomorrow.
Police Officer: Major Strasser is here, sir!
Rick: And remember, this gun is pointed right at your heart.
Rick: And you never will. But I've got a job to do, too. Where I'm going, you can't follow. What I've got to do, you can't be any part of. Ilsa, I'm no good at being noble, but it doesn't take much to see that the problems of three little people don't amount to a hill of beans in this crazy world. Someday you'll understand that. Now, now... Here's looking at you kid.
Rick: Don't you sometimes wonder if it's worth all this? I mean what you're fighting for.
Rick: Either lay off politics, or get out.
Rick: Go back to Bulgaria.
Rick: He'll take one.
Rick: Here's looking at you, kid.
Rick: How can you close me up? On what grounds?
Rick: How long was it we had, honey?
Rick: I congratulate you.
Rick: I do. You're lucky the bar's open to you.
Rick: I don't like disturbances in my place.
Rick: I don't mind a parasite. I object to a cut-rate one.
Rick: I got well paid for it on both occasions.
Rick: I just paid out twenty. I'd like to get it back.
Rick: I never make plans that far ahead.
Rick: I remember every detail. The Germans wore gray, you wore blue.
Rick: I stick my neck out for nobody.
Rick: I was misinformed.
Rick: I'm a drunkard.
Rick: I'm saying it because it's true. Inside of us, we both know you belong with Victor. You're part of his work, the thing that keeps him going. If that plane leaves the ground and you're not with him, you'll regret it. Maybe not today. Maybe not tomorrow, but soon and for the rest of your life.
Rick: If I gave you any thought I probably would.
Rick: If she can stand it, I can! Play it!
Rick: In America they'd bring only a penny, and, huh, I guess that's about all they're worth.
Rick: It was a combination of all three.
Rick: It's not particularly my beloved Paris.
Rick: Last night we said a great many things. You said I was to do the thinking for both of us. Well, I've done a lot of it since then, and it all adds up to one thing: you're getting on that plane with Victor where you belong.
Rick: Louis, I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship.
Rick: My health. I came to Casablanca for the waters.
Rick: No!
Rick: No.
Rick: Nobody ever loved me that much.
Rick: Not an easy day to forget?
Rick: Not right now.
Rick: Now, you've got to listen to me! You have any idea what you'd have to look forward to if you stayed here? Nine chances out of ten, we'd both wind up in a concentration camp. Isn't that true, Louie?
Rick: Of all the gin joints in all the towns in all the world, she walks into mine.
Rick: Oh, he's just like any other man, only more so.
Rick: Oh, what makes you think I haven't?
Rick: Oh? I thought it was because I let you win at roulette.
Rick: Sascha, she's had enough.
Rick: Tell me, who was it you left me for? Was it Laszlo, or were there others in between? Or - aren't you the kind that tells?
Rick: That's so long ago, I don't remember.
Rick: They got a lucky break. Yesterday they were just two German clerks. Today they're the "Honored Dead".
Rick: Twenty thousand francs says it isn't.
Rick: Uh-huh.
Rick: Was La Belle Aurora.
Rick: We all try. You succeed.
Rick: We'll always have Paris. We didn't have, we, we lost it until you came to Casablanca. We got it back last night.
Rick: Well there are certain sections of New York, Major, that I wouldn't advise you to try to invade.
Rick: Well, I did. Every one of them. Mostly, I remember the last one, the wild finish. A guy standing on a station platform in the rain, with a comical look on his face, because his insides have been kicked out.
Rick: Well, I was wondering...
Rick: Well, what of it? It'll be out of its misery.
Rick: When you get there, ask me!
Rick: Who are you really, and what were you before? What did you do, and what did you think, huh?
Rick: Who did you bribe for your visa? Renault or yourself?
Rick: Why I'm so lucky. Why I should find you waiting for me to come along.
Rick: Why two?
Rick: You know what I want to hear.
Rick: You love her that much?
Rick: You played it for her, you can play it for me!
Rick: You thought what?
Rick: You want my advice?
Rick: You were saying?
Rick: You'll excuse me, gentlemen. Your business is politics,



Listen, Rose. You're going to get out of here. You're going to go on.
You're going to make lots of babies, and you're going to watch them grow.
You're going to die and old, an old lady in her warm bed, not here, not
this night, not like this. Do you understand me?

Of all the gin joints in all the towns in all the world,she walks into mine.



WILLIAM WALLACE:“Fight,and you may die. Run, and you'll live at least a while, and dying
in your beds many years from now. Would you be willing to trade. All the days from this day to that, for one chance,just one chance, to come back here and tell our enemies that they may take our lives,
but they'll never take our Freedom! Freedom——”
