
来源:百度文库 编辑:查人人中国名人网 时间:2024/10/05 21:00:34

全文太长,先把主要结论放在这里(pros and cons就是利和弊的意思):


-Students are motivated by using computers and talking 憀ive?to others. Without
being conscious of it, the students will no longer consider learning a subject a
boring enterprise. They will be encouraged to learn more. Perhaps most importantly,
since conveying messages plays a paramount role on the Internet, students will
learn social skills and as such the Internet can be seen as an agent for


-There are three main perceptions that can become potential hindrances to
teaching any topic over the Internet. The first one is fear: fear of the technology,
fear of change, fear of job loss, fear of a sacrifice of quality, fear of visibility
(and therefore, vulnerability), and fear that there is an inability to measure learning
and outcomes. All of these fears have some basis in fact, but there is no reason to
believe that any of them are insurmountable.
-Secondly, there is the desire to hold on to traditional teaching methods and to
transfer the classroom experience directly to the Internet. Traditional classrooms
are centered around the teacher and their success hinges upon the class and
instructor meeting together in person. Designing an Internet experience from inside
the traditional pedagogical paradigm is likely to fail by virtue of the fact that the
central emphasis is not on the learner. The instructor knows what needs to be
present for a specific learning to take place, and those things need to be found
outside the classroom in close proximity to the student.
-The last perception concerns the means of measuring outcomes and learning.
Any responsible educator will be concerned about the quality of learning regardless
of the educational setting, but the instructor who operates from a premise of
mistrust of his or her students can never be sure that the person typing a comment
is the person registered for that particular class.
