
来源:百度文库 编辑:查人人中国名人网 时间:2024/10/08 08:40:10
边个知道啊SA噶真名?! 距真噶名好似5系叫 蔡卓妍窝!! 边个知道啊?! 最好将距噶资料发上黎.. !

姓名:蔡卓妍 (Charlene CHOI)

  * 未婚
  * 父母离异
  * 与父同住,与母感情亦佳


  * 玫瑰岗学校(F.4-F.5&两个月F.6)
  * 玛莉曼中学(F.1-F.3)
  * 维多利亚幼稚园
  * 宝血小学

  * 得到国内可乐商垂青夥同中国国家足球队合作,拍摄一个投资亿元的重型广告,以庆祝中国队成功打入2002年世界杯决赛周。 (2002年1月)
  * 首张大碟推出便卖断市,售出近四万多张,处女EP更极速登上HMV销量冠军。 (2001年8月)
  * 与英皇签约,与钟欣桐组成女子组合Twins,不久即窜红 (2000年)
  * 中三开始,便当上杂志及广告模特儿

  * 花名:叮当,亚SA,少林,面包超人
  * 动物星座:猴子
  * 血型:O型
  * 身高:5"4 (约164cm)
  * 体重:93磅
  * 语言:广东话,英文
  * 兴趣:唱歌,跳舞,画画
  * 愿望:所有愿望成真
  * 拍拖次数:好细个(16岁)已经拍拖,所以都唔止2、3次
  * 喜欢异性类型:傻傻?,锡我,爱我
  * 喜欢颜色:红&绿
  * 喜欢食物:朱古力,饭
  * 喜欢生果:芒果,火龙果
  * 喜欢饮品:奶茶,奶昔
  * 喜欢电影:Somewhere In Times(时光倒流七十年)
  * 喜欢歌曲:Somewhere In Times,自己;;;歌(哈哈!)
  * 喜欢演员:周星驰,张曼玉,毕彼特
  * 喜欢歌星:郭富城,王菲,TLC,Robbie Williams
  * 喜欢音乐类型:R&B
  * 喜欢运动:游水,榄球
  * 喜欢阅读的杂志:时装类
  * 喜欢季节:春,夏
  * 喜欢国家:希腊
  * 喜欢去的地方:日本
  * 喜欢卡通人物:Hello Kitty
  * 喜欢动物:狗
  * 喜欢礼物:Meaningful(有意义)
  * 讨厌事情:好急冇厕所去
  * 讨厌生果:西瓜
  Clean & Clear抗黑头MASK
  Clean & Clear水莹防暗疮系列
  Clean & Clear洁肤绵
  LG G7030 G5400 手机
  Twins - LG G7100 270度旋转「型」幕手机

  功夫足球 (拍摄中)
  冲上云霄 (客串)
  爱情当入樽 (第ニ版)
  Twins (AVEP) (第ニ版)
  Twins (AVEP)
  Happy Together (新曲加精选) (首批限量版)
  Ichiban兴奋演唱会卡拉OK Live VCD/DVD
  Amazing Album (CD + VCD)
  我们的纪念册 (第ニ版)
  Twins MV Karaoke VCD/DVD
  双生儿 (终极情人节版)
  进化论 Evolution
  Touch Of Love (第ニ版)
  Happy Together Music Video Karaoke VCD/DVD
  Touch Of Love
  Happy Together (新曲加精选) (第三版)
  Happy Together (新曲加精选) (欢乐年年)
  Singing In the Twins Wonderland Vol.1
  Singing In the Twins Wonderland Vol.2

  Ichiban兴奋演唱会(卡拉OK Live DVD)
  Twins Magic
  Girl Power

  Twins 1+1 写真特辑- 细分为三册
  Twins 1+1 原味
  Twins 1+1 感性
  Twins 1+1 Plus
  Twins 爱上色彩的历程
  Twins 爱上色彩的事件簿

  Twins Love Hong Kong 写真集
  Twins 纯颜写真馆
  香港电台第24届十大中文金曲 — 最有前途新人奖女歌手 [金奖]
  2001年十大劲歌金曲颁奖典礼 — 最受欢迎组合奖 [金奖]
  2001年十大劲歌金曲颁奖典礼 — 公益金最喜爱慈善组合大奖
  叱吒乐坛流行榜 — 叱吒乐坛我最喜爱的组合
  叱吒乐坛流行榜 — 叱吒乐坛组合 [银奖]
  叱吒乐坛流行榜 — 叱吒乐坛生力军组合 [金奖]
  新城劲爆颁奖礼 — 新城劲爆新人王
  新城劲爆颁奖礼 — 新人点正娱乐版霸
  我的选择中国原创音乐流行榜 — 新人奖 + 组合奖
  2001年劲歌金曲第四季季选 — 网上最喜爱女歌手
  2001年劲歌金曲第三季季选 — 网上最喜爱女歌手
  2002 第二十五届十大中文金曲 — 优秀流行歌手大奖
  2002 第二十五届十大中文金曲 — 全年最高销量歌手大奖 (女歌手)
  2002 第二十五届十大中文金曲 — 全国最受欢迎组合 [银奖]
  2002 第二十五届十大中文金曲 — 飞跃大奖 [女歌手银奖]
  2002年度十大劲歌金曲颁奖典礼 — 公益金最喜爱慈善组合大奖
  2002年度十大劲歌金曲颁奖典礼 — 2002年度杰出表现奖 [银奖]
  2002年度十大劲歌金曲颁奖典礼 — 最受欢迎广告歌唱大奖 [风筝与风]
  商业电台叱吒乐坛流行榜颁奖典礼2002 — 叱吒乐坛我最喜爱的组合
  商业电台叱吒乐坛流行榜颁奖典礼2002 — 叱吒乐坛组合 [铜奖]
  新城劲爆颁奖礼2002 — 2002四台联颁音乐大奖 — 卓越表现大奖 [金奖]
  新城劲爆颁奖礼2002 — 新城劲爆组合
  新城劲爆颁奖礼2002 — 新城劲爆人气歌手
  新城劲爆颁奖礼2002 — 新城劲爆歌曲 [恋爱大过天]
  IFPI 香港唱片销量大奖2002 — 最高销量广东唱片 [我们的纪念册]
  IFPI 香港唱片销量大奖2002 — 十大销量广东唱片(三张)
  2002年劲歌金曲第四季季选 最受欢迎广告歌曲奖 [风筝与风]
  TVB8金曲颁奖典礼 — 最佳音乐组合 [铜奖]
  第一届Yahoo!品牌感情大奖选举 Yahoo!女名人品牌大奖
  第二届金曲红人颁奖礼 — 最受欢迎女红人新人奖 [金奖]
  第二届金曲红人颁奖礼 — 最受欢迎演唱团体奖 [铜奖]
  2002年劲歌金曲第三季季选入选歌曲 [Ichiban兴奋]
  2002年劲歌金曲第二季季选 — 网上最喜爱女歌手
  2002全球华语歌曲排行榜 — 最受欢迎组合 [铜奖]
  2002全球华语歌曲排行榜 — 最受欢迎新人 女新人 [金奖]
  2002年劲歌金曲第一季季选入选歌曲 [恋爱大过天]
  雪碧榜音乐颁奖礼 — 最受欢迎女新人奖
  雪碧榜音乐颁奖礼 — 2001年度最佳组合
  01.2003年 劲歌金曲第一季季选 - 入选歌曲 [下一站天后]
  02.2003年 劲歌金曲第二季季选 - 入选歌曲 [千金]
  03.2003年 劲歌金曲第三季季选 - 入选歌曲 [夏日狂哗]
  04.2003年 劲歌金曲第四季季选 - 入选歌曲 [乱世佳人]

  05.2003年 TVB 2003年度儿歌金曲开心嘉年华 - 儿歌金曲及儿歌金曲金奖 [200% 的咒语]
  06.2003年 TVB 2003年度儿歌金曲 - 儿歌金曲 [百试不厌]
  07.2003年 TVB 2003年度儿歌金曲 - 儿歌金曲银奖 [百试不厌]

  08.2003年 音乐先锋榜2002年度颁奖典礼 - 香港最佳组合
  09.2003年 一周刊2003一电视大奖 - 最有前途艺人大奖
  10.2003年 3周刊「至尊人气艺人大赏」- 人气组合
  11.2003年 广州电视台《劲歌王-- 2003季选颁奖典礼》十首金曲[下一站天后]
  12.2003年 广州电视台《劲歌王-- 2003季选颁奖典礼》网络人气最高指数

  13.2003年 第三届全球华语歌曲排行榜 ~ 下一站天后(28-9-2003)

  14.2003年 雪碧榜2003 风筝与风
  15.2003年 雪碧红人杭州 夏日狂哗 恋爱大过天 下一站天后20031115

  16.2003年 最佳进步奖 唱乱世佳人

  17.2003年 TVB8颁奖礼 金曲奖 享受自己
  18.2003年 TVB8颁奖礼 最受欢迎组合银奖 下一站天后

  19.2003年 第二十六届十大中文金曲颁奖音乐会 十大金曲奖[风筝与风]
  20.2003年 第二十六届十大中文金曲颁奖音乐会 全年最高销量歌手大奖女歌手[金奖]
  21.2003年 第二十六届十大中文金曲颁奖音乐会 飞跃大奖女歌手[银奖]
  22.2003年 第二十六届十大中文金曲颁奖音乐会 全国最受欢迎组合奖[金奖]
  23.2003年 第二十六届十大中文金曲颁奖音乐会 四台联颁卓越表现大奖[金奖]
  24.2003年 第二十六届十大中文金曲颁奖音乐会 优秀流行歌手

  25.2003年 第二届Yahoo!品牌感情大奖选举 Yahoo!搜寻大奖

  26.2003年 新城劲爆颁奖礼 金曲奖风筝与风
  27.2003年 新城劲爆颁奖礼 新城劲爆大碟Touch Of Love
  28.2003年 新城劲爆颁奖礼 新城劲爆组合
  29.2003年 新城劲爆颁奖礼 新城全球劲爆舞台大奖

  30.2003年 叱吒乐坛流行榜颁奖典礼 - 我最喜爱的组合
  31.2003年 叱吒乐坛流行榜颁奖典礼 - 组合金奖

  32.2003年 十大劲歌金曲 金曲奖 Twins : 下一站天后
  33.2003年 十大劲歌金曲 传媒大奖

  [Yahoo ! 感情品牌代言人」
  TWINS 担任过大使
  1.甲乙型肝炎大使 05/2002
  2.杰少之星 06/2002
  3.星岛日报娱乐副刊夏季宣传活动大使 06/2003
  4.民政事物处委任为"暑期活动大使" 07/2003
  Name: Cai Zhuoyan (Charlene CHOI)

  Date of birth: On November 22, 1982
  Birth place: Canada
  Constellation: 天蝎座
  Year in which one was born as represented by an animal: Dog
  Family condition:
  * Unmarried
  * The parents divorce
  * Lives together with the father, is also good with the female sentiment

  Leaves: Film and television

  School record:
  * Rose hillock school (F.4-F.5& two months F.6)
  * Masurium Liman middle school (F.1-F.3)
  * Victoria preschool
  * Valuable blood elementary school

  * Obtains domestically may Le Shang look upon with favor is in conspiracy with the Chinese country football team cooperation, photographs to invest hundred million Yuan heavy advertisements, celebrates the Chinese team success to infiltrate in 2002 the World Cup finals week. (In January, 2002)
  * Publicizes the small dish to promote then sells breaks the city, extremely fast sells nearly more than 40,000, maiden EP mounts the HMV sales volume champion. (In August, 2001)
  * With English emperor signing a treaty, composes the female with Zhong Xintong to combine Twins, soon namely becomes popular all at once (in 2000)
  * Center three starts, in lunch magazine and advertising model

  * 花名: Dingdong, Asian SA, few forests, bread superhuman
  * Animal constellation: Monkey
  * Blood-group: O
  * Height: 5 "4 (approximately 164cm)
  * Body weight: 93 pounds
  * Language: Cantonese, English
  * Interest: Sings, dances, paints pictures
  * Desire: All desires Cheng Zhen
  * The racket tows the number of times: Good thin (16 years old) already the racket towed, therefore all did not stop 2, 3
  * Likes the opposite sex type: Silly is silly □\, the tin I, love me
  * Likes the color: Red & is green
  * Likes food: Chocolate, food
  * Likes the fresh fruit: Mango, procession of lanterns or torches fruit
  * Likes the drinks: Tea with milk, milk shake
  * Likes the movie: Somewhere In Times (time flows backwards for 70 years)
  * Likes the song: Somewhere In Times, own  ; ; ; Song (ha ha! )
  * Likes the actor: Zhou Xingchi, Zhang Manyu, finishes Pitt
  * Likes the singing star: Guo Fucheng, king Philippines, TLC, Robbie Williams
  * Likes the music type: R&B
  * Likes the movement: Swims, olive ball
  * Likes the magazine which reads: Fashionable clothing class
  * Likes the season: Spring, summer
  * Likes the country: Greece
  * Likes place: Japan
  * Likes the cartoon character: Hello Kitty
  * Likes the animal: Dog
  * Likes the gift: Meaningful (has significance)
  * Repugnant matter: Good anxious □ is hard 匏 ù goes
  * Repugnant fresh fruit: Watermelon
  Makes the movie:
  The love revolt is serious
  Often in my heart
  My wife does not suffice the scale
  This summer has the opposite sex
  A mediocre sugar cane
  After next station day
  Loves your bed
  This Lao Dou really explodes
  Thousand is adaptable
  The ancient dwelling heart is flurried
  Clever horse rhapsody
  Learns through practice the black rose
  Thousand is adaptable 2
  New police story
  Pats the advertisement:

  作者: 爱SA永不悔 2005-11-12 17:51 回复此发言


  11 回复:〖最爱SaSa〗蔡卓妍全资料
  Extra does not have the sugar 香口胶 (sound)
  Super-X (plane)
  Broadway photography equipment
  Ancient Long Qunxia biography
  Twinrix (plane)
  EPSON (plane)
  Saint Anna moon cake
  Loose date MP3
  Gathers the flavor cup surface
  Especially step of sneakers (inland)
  The dream picks washes sends the dew (inland)
  茵 good 妮 civilian clothes (inland)
  China insults the electric appliance (inland)
  With records telecommunication IDD0080
  Kentuckey legal copy chicken wing
  Protects extends valuable -White
  Fine miniature Swiss volume
  ~H2O+ Shui Yangjin sends Japan the frost
  ~H2O+ dual disappears the fat tight skin □ ㄠ □ (plane)
  Shunde fine letter city square
  Shunde fine logical sequence
  Clean & Clear anti- black MASK
  Clean & Clear Shui Yingfang dark boils series
  Clean & Clear clean skin wadding
  LG G7030 G5400 handset
  Twins - LG G7100 270 revolve "" the curtain handset

  Twins pats the television:
  Uneven huge saint Sun Wukong
  Time soccer (in photography)
  Flushes Yunsiao (to be a guest performer)
  Twins all previous years release phonograph record:
  The love when enters the back (ニ version)
  The love when enters the back
  Twins (AVEP) (ニ version)
  Twins (AVEP)
  Happy Together (new tune Canada selects) (first batch limits the quantity version)
  Ichiban excited 演唱会 Kara OK Live VCD/DVD
  Amazing Album (CD + VCD)
  Our commemoration book (ニ version)
  Our commemoration book
  Twins MV Karaoke VCD/DVD
  Twin (ultimate 情人节 version)
  Theory of evolution Evolution
  Touch Of Love (ニ version)
  Happy Together Music Video Karaoke VCD/DVD
  Touch Of Love
  Happy Together (new tune Canada selects) (third edition)
  Happy Together (new tune Canada selects) (is happy year after year)
  Singing In the Twins Wonderland Vol.1
  Singing In the Twins Wonderland Vol.2

  Ichiban excited 演唱会 (Kara OK Live DVD)
  Twins Magic
  Ichiban excited 演唱会
  2,004 amusing 演唱会
  Draws a portrait
  Twins 1+1 draws a portrait the special edition - to subdivide is three volume
  Twins 1+1 original tastes
  Twins 1+1 perceptions
  Twins 1+1 Plus
  Twins falls in love with the color the course
  Twins falls in love with the color the event book

  Twins Love Hong Kong 写真集
  The Twins pure face draws a portrait the hall
  Twins records the year to reward the recording:
  The Hong Kong broadcasting station 24th session of ten big Chinese gold tune - most has the future new person to reward the female singer [ golden prize ]
  IFPI whole year most best-selling new person
  IFPI whole year maximum sales volume new person
  In 2001 ten big vigor songs gold tune promulgation ceremony - most receives welcome the combination prize [ golden prize ]
  In 2001 ten big vigor songs gold tune promulgation ceremony - public welfare fund most likes charitabley combines the big prize
  Scolds 吒 the musical world popular announcement - to scold the combination which 吒 the musical world I most likes
  Scolds 吒 the musical world popular announcement - to scold 吒 the musical world combination [ silver prize ]

  作者: 爱SA永不悔 2005-11-12 17:51 回复此发言


  12 回复:〖最爱SaSa〗蔡卓妍全资料
  Scolds 吒 the musical world popular announcement - to scold 吒 the musical world new force to combine [ golden prize ]
  The new town vigor explodes the promulgation ritual - new town vigor to explode the new person king
  The new town vigor explodes the promulgation ritual - new person to edit the entertainment version tyrant
  Hong Kong broadcasting station 2,001 best progresses prizes progressive singer
  Hong Kong broadcasting station 20,010 greatly highest broadcasts rate (female singer)
  I choose the Chinese 原创 music popular announcement - new person to reward + the combination prize
  In 2001 vigor song gold tune fourth Ji Ji elects - the on-line happiest favored daughter singer
  In 2001 vigor song gold tune third Ji Ji elects - the on-line happiest favored daughter singer
  2,002 25th session of ten big Chinese gold tune - outstanding popular song is generous the prize
  2,002 25th session of ten big Chinese gold tune - whole year maximum sales volume song is generous the prize (female singer)
  2,002 25th session of ten big Chinese gold tune - nation most receives welcome the combination [ silver prize ]
  2,002 25th session of ten big Chinese gold tune - leaps the big prize [ female singer silver prize ]
  2002 year ten big vigor songs gold tune promulgation ceremony - public welfare fund most likes charitabley combines the big prize
  2002 year ten big vigor songs gold tune promulgation ceremony - 2002 year outstanding performance prize [ silver prize ]
  2002 year ten big vigor songs gold tune promulgation ceremony - most receives welcome the advertisement to sing the big prize [ kite and wind ]
  The commercial broadcasting station scolds 吒 the musical world popular announcement promulgation ceremony 2,002 - to scold the combination which 吒 the musical world I most likes
  The commercial broadcasting station scolds 吒 the musical world popular announcement promulgation ceremony 2,002 - to scold 吒 the musical world combination [ copper prize ]
  The new town vigor explodes the promulgation ritual 2,002 - 20,024 associations to proclaim the music big prize - remarkably displays the big prize [ golden prize ]
  The new town vigor explodes the promulgation ritual 2,002 - new towns vigor to explode the combination
  The new town vigor explodes the promulgation ritual 2,002 - new towns vigor to explode the human spirit singer
  The new town vigor explodes the promulgation ritual 2,002 - new towns vigor to explode the song [ love great another day ]
  IFPI Hong Kong phonograph record sales volume big prize 2,002 - maximum sales volumes Guangdong phonograph record [ our commemoration book ]
  IFPI Hong Kong phonograph record sales volume big prize 2,002 - ten great sales volumes Guangdong phonograph record (three)
  In 2002 vigor song gold tune fourth Ji Ji elects most to receive welcome the advertisement song prize [ kite and wind ]
  TVB8 gold tune promulgation ceremony - best music combination [ copper prize ]
  First session of Yahoo! The brand sentiment big prize elects Yahoo! Female celebrity brand big prize

  作者: 爱SA永不悔 2005-11-12 17:51 回复此发言


  13 回复:〖最爱SaSa〗蔡卓妍全资料
  The second session of golden tune favorite promulgates the ritual - most to receive welcome the needlework person new person to reward [ golden prize ]
  The second session of golden tune favorite promulgates the ritual - most to receive welcome to sing the association prize [ copper prize ]
  In 2002 vigor song gold tune third Ji Ji chooses the selected song [ Ichiban to be excited ]
  In 2002 vigor song gold tune second Ji Ji elects - the on-line happiest favored daughter singer
  2,002 global Chinese song order list - most receives welcome the combination [ copper prize ]
  2,002 global Chinese song order list - most receives welcome the new person female new person [ golden prize ]
  In 2002 vigor song gold tune first Ji Ji chooses the selected song [ love great another day ]
  The snow blue announcement music promulgation ritual - most receives welcome the female new person to reward
  Snow blue announcement music promulgation ritual - 2001 year best combinations
  After 01.2003 years vigor song gold tune first Ji Ji chooses - the selected song [ next station day ]
  02.2003 years vigor song gold tune second Ji Ji chooses - the selected song [ daughter ]
  03.2003 years vigor song gold tune third Ji Ji chooses - the selected song [ summer day to be crazy whish ]
  04.2003 years vigor song gold tune fourth Ji Ji chooses - the selected song [ tumultuous times beautiful woman ]

  05.2003 year TVB 2003 year 儿歌 gold tune happy fine time passage - 儿歌 Jin Qu and 儿歌 Jin Qujin prize [ 200% incantation ]
  06.2003 year TVB 2003 year 儿歌 gold tune - 儿歌 gold tune [ hundred tries not to tire of ]
  07.2003 year TVB 2003 year 儿歌 gold tune - 儿歌 Jin Quyin the prize [ hundred tries not to tire of ]

  08.2003 years music cutting edge announcement 2002 year promulgation ceremony - Hong Kong best combines
  09.2003 years weekly 20,031 televisions big prizes - most have the future skill National People's Congress prize
  10.2003 years 3 weekly "supreme human spirit skill National People's Congress enjoys" - the human spirit combination
  After 11.2003 year Guangzhou television station "Vigor Song King -- 2,003 Seasons Chooses Promulgation Ceremony" ten golden tunes [ next station day ]
  12.2003 year Guangzhou television station "Vigor Song King -- 2,003 Seasons Chooses Promulgation Ceremony" the network human spirit highest index

  After 13.2003 year third session of global Chinese song ord

蔡卓妍 ~!

姓名:蔡卓妍 (Charlene CHOI)

* 未婚
* 父母离异
* 与父同住,与母感情亦佳


* 玫瑰岗学校(F.4-F.5&两个月F.6)
* 玛莉曼中学(F.1-F.3)
* 维多利亚幼稚园
* 宝血小学

* 得到国内可乐商垂青夥同中国国家足球队合作,拍摄一个投资亿元的重型广告,以庆祝中国队成功打入2002年世界杯决赛周。 (2002年1月)
* 首张大碟推出便卖断市,售出近四万多张,处女EP更极速登上HMV销量冠军。 (2001年8月) %


