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定冠词(indefinite articles) a/an 的用法。


  ① A stitch in time saves nine.

  ② Jason is an internationally known scholar.

  此外,a/an 还有下列 6 种用途:

  一常和time、measurement等有关的名词连用,以表示“每—” 的概念,如:

  ③ I teach five days a week.

  ④ This type of vegetables is sold at one dollar a kilo.

  ⑤ My car usually runs sixty kilometres an hour.

  二常和 hundred, thousand, dozen 以及数目及数量连用,如:

  ⑥ That factory turns out at least a hundred tyres a day.

  ⑦ Noel's monthly salary is a thousand dollars.

  ⑧ I have a number of sponsored students.

  ⑨ Mary has a lot of money.

  三在“of / at”后面出现,以表示“同一类”这概念,如:

  ⑩ Birds of a feather flock together.

  11. Please come one at a time.

  12. Things of a kind come together, so do people of a mind.

  四常在“rather, quite, many, half, what, such”等字后面出现,形成固定用法,如:

  13. Tom is rather a fool.

  14. I think Chinese is quite a useful language.

  15. Many a student has asked that question.

  16. The visitor left half an hour ago.

  17. What a fine day it is!

  18. How can you say such a thing?

  五用在“so, as, too, how +形容词”这些结构里,如:

  19. We have not had so hot a day before.

  20. Susan is as clever a girl as Anna.

  21. That is too difficult a book for beginners.

  22. No one knew how serious a problem it was until later.


  23. Bob always has a bone to pick with others.

  24. Some students turned a deaf ear to the teacher's advice.

  25. All must learn a language with an eye to mastering it.

  26. I hope you will make an effort to attend the meeting punctually.

  27. Jason has an aversion to being idle.

  28. The news of Jack's sudden resignation came as a bolt from the blue.

不定冠词a (an)与数词one 同源,是"一个"的意思。a用于辅音音素前,一般读作[e],而an则用于元音音素前,一般读做[en]。

 1) 表示"一个",意为one;指某人或某物,意为a certain。例如:

   A Mr. Ling is waiting for you. 有位姓凌的先生在等你。

 2) 代表一类人或物。例如:

   A knife is a tool for cutting with. 刀是切割的工具。

   Mr. Smith is an engineer. 史密斯先生是工程师。

 3) 组成词组或成语,如a little / a few / a lot / a type of / a pile / a great many / many a / as a rule / in a hurry / in a minute / in a word / in a short while / after a while / have a cold / have a try /keep an eye on / all of a sudden等

a 后面接的是以辅音开头的词 不一定是以辅音字母开头的 比如 A university(大学)
an 后面接的是以元音开头的词 不一定是以元音字母开头的 比如 AN hour

a和an同样是一个的意思的,但用法不同.an的后面加的名词一定要是元音字母开头,比如:an apple,an egg..