植发医院华美整形:初三英语Unit 1重点总结

来源:百度文库 编辑:查人人中国名人网 时间:2024/10/05 21:29:00
总结第一单元In the library 的重点句型,单词,短语,语法等.


短语:use to put down
pay for come up with
think of get...back
pick up

例句:—Have you had your lunch yet?
—Yes,I have.I've just had it.(现在不饿了)
I have already posted the photos.(这些照片已不在我这里了。)

例句:I haven't seen her these days.
I've knoen Li Lei for these years.
I've been at this school for over two years.
They have lieved here since 1996.
How long have you worked in this library?
She has tought us since I came to this school.

例句:Have you ever eaten fish and chips ?
I've just lost my science book.
I've never been to that farm before.
I haven't learned the word yet.

用法:have(has)been 和 have(has)gone的区别:have(has)been 表示“曾经到过某地”,
Where has he been ? 他刚才到哪儿去了?(他已经回来了。)
Where has he gone ?他到哪儿去了?(他不在这里。)
She has been to Sanghai.她到过上海。(她已经不在上海了。)
She has gone to Sanghai.她到上海去了。(她可能已经在去上海的路上,或已到上海,总之,现在不在这里。)

单词:several shelf(pl. shelves) pay(paid,paid)
spoil(spoilt,spoilt )encourage probdbly

重点句型.短语:I think I've got one.
I haven't got one.
on that shelf
there he is!
reading on many different subjects
outside in the schoolyard
walk a few steps
thinks for a while
not yet
sooner or later
what was worse
pay for
come up with
wonderful idea
get a nice present from the librarian