安全培训专项检查总结:Stone Mining&Gold Mining

来源:百度文库 编辑:查人人中国名人网 时间:2024/10/04 17:03:30
Stone Mining
Wood for building was scarce in most places where civilizations first arose. Vast forests just did not exist in these predominately arid regions. The principle building material for common uses was mud bricks, sun-dried at first and then fire baked. In some areas important structures such as temples, palaces, tombs, and fortifications were built of stone when it was available. Much information about ancient Egypt was preserved because of the permanence of stone. Equivalent structures in Mesopotamia collapsed into mounds of earth after many centuries of neglect and weathering. Acquiring non-wood building materials through brick making or quarrying was the object of Stone Mining.

Gold Mining
Gold washed down from hills and mountains was probably the first metal with which humans experimented. It was sufficiently soft and pure to be fashioned easily into objects of beauty for adornment and trade. The value of gold remained high as populations increased because the demand for it continued to exceed supply. Because of this value, the trail of gold was followed back to the source of the alluvial nuggets. Gold mining was developed to obtain ore from which the pure metal could be extracted. Many of the most beautiful objects that survive from antiquity are made of gold, including hundreds of items from the Egyptian Pharoah Tutankhamen' s tomb.

为房屋建筑物的木材是难得的在文明首先引起的大多数的地方中。 巨大的森林就是在这些掌握干燥的区域中没有存在。 为通常的使用原理建材是泥成捆的新钞票, 太阳弄干的起先然后火烘焙。 在一些区域中,重要的当它是有效的时候,结构 , 像是寺庙,宫殿,坟墓和防御工事石头被建造。 远古的关于很多的资讯埃及因为石头的永久被保护。 美索不达米亚的等量结构进入在许多世纪的疏忽和风化后的土土墩之内倒塌。 经过成捆的新钞票获得非木材建筑材料制造或挖出是石头采矿的目标。

或许从小山和山被洗掉的黄金是第一个人类作实验的金属。 资讯科技是充份疲软和纯粹被为装饰和交易进入美人的目标之内容易地形成。因为对它的要求继续超过供应,所以当人口增加的时候,黄金的价值保持高。 因为这一个价值,黄金的踪迹被向后地跟随到冲积的矿块根源。 黄金采矿被发展获得矿从哪一纯粹的金属可能被吸取。 许多从古老生还的最美丽的目标是用黄金做成的,包括来自埃及的 Pharoah Tutankhamen 的数以百计项目's 坟墓。