
来源:百度文库 编辑:查人人中国名人网 时间:2024/10/03 15:44:14
This information converges in the nucleus tractus solitarius (NTS), an area of the caudal brainstem that integrates sensory information from the gastrointestinal tract and abdominal viscera, as well as taste information from the oral cavity92. Satiety-inducing signals that reach the NTS are initiated by mechanical or chemical stimulation of the stomach and small intestine during food ingestion, neural input related to energy metabolism in the liver93 and humoral signals such as cholecystokinin (CCK) that are released upon nutrient stimulation of neuroendocrine secretory cells lining the intestinal lumen94. Meal termination induced by such satiety signals can be demonstrated even when all neuronal connections between forebrain and hindbrain are severed95. The basic process of terminating a meal, therefore, involves brain areas that can function in the absence of hypothalamic influences. How then is the forebrain response to adiposity signals coupled to changes in the size of single meals? The hypothesis that such responses ultimately involve an interaction with hindbrain areas that control satiety is supported by the ability of both leptin96 and insulin87 to enhance the satiating effect of CCK. This interaction may be explained by the ability of central effector pathways to influence the response of NTS neurons to input from vagal afferents that convey satiety-related stimuli (Fig. 6). Recent evidence that leptin potentiates the effect of CCK to activate NTS 668

neurons demonstrates clearly that signals involved in energy homeostasis modulate the response of NTS neurons to input related to satiety97. Several caveats follow as a result from the hypothesis that NTS neurons are themselves responsible for integrating afferent information related to satiety with descending inputs from forebrain neurons involved in energy homeostasis. First, NTS neurons have reciprocal interconnections with forebrain areas such as the PVN98, so the integration of satiety and energy homeostasis information probably involves multiple brain areas. In addition, the neuronal substrates for responding to central effector peptides involved in energy homeostasis are present locally within the NTS, as well as in the hypothalamus. For example, MC4 receptors are expressed in the NTS54, and local administration of MC4-receptor agonists or antagonists into the fourth ventricle (which is adjacent to the NTS) elicits feeding responses that are indistinguishable from those induced by injecting these compounds into the more rostral lateral ventricle99.

这一信息的衔接核心Tractussolitarius(新界南),面积在叫caudal结合感官资料及腹部内脏功能不佳,以及口腔cavity92品味消息. satiety诱惑信号到达新界南总区是由机械或化学刺激的胃和小肠在食物摄取,对神经与能量代谢的liver93硕士和信号等cholecystokinin(经国先生)所公布的养分刺激神经内分泌细胞分泌的人数lumen94肠癌. 膳食终止信号可引起这种satiety显示即使是后脑和神经连接severed95forebrain. 过程基本结束了餐,包括脑区能够功能hypothalamic没有影响. 当时是如何应付forebrainadiposity信号同时变化的大小餐单? 假设这种反应与互动,最终让后脑地区satiety控制能力得到了提高insulin87leptin96和满足经国先生效果. 这可以解释为交往能力步道效应器中的反应影响到神经新界南总投入Vagalafferents,传达satiety相关因素(附图6). 最近有证据表明,影响leptinpotentiates经国先生启动新界南总668 神经表明,涉及能源homeo信号调节神经反应新界南总投入satiety97相关. 由于采取了解释的假说,是新界南总神经传入神经把自己负责的有关satiety前投入与参与能源homeoforebrain神经. 第一,天生具有相互联系与新界南总区forebrainpvn98等,并结合satietyhomeo能源领域的信息,可能涉及多种大脑. 此外,为响应中央神经基质效应器peptides涉及能源homeo目前在当地新界南总区,以及在甲状腺. 例如,MC4受体表达的nts54,地方政府MC4-感受器或效吸收进入第四心室(即邻近新界南总区)喂养引起的反应,无异是与受注射这些化合物进入更多rostralventricle99横向.
