
来源:百度文库 编辑:查人人中国名人网 时间:2024/07/08 08:41:38
I am writing to you to reassure you that life can get better. You are in a dark place now, but there is light and hope out there waiting to come into your life. I was diagnosed with schizophrenia a few years ago. I am 41 years old. I am taking medication (Abilify) and this helps me to not have hallucinations (auditory and visual). Before taking the medication, I had bad hallucinations. I heard voices that were threatening to kill me and cause me all kinds of harm. The voices wanted to frighten me. I even thought of suicide to get control over my life, but I am grateful that I decided to fight the voices instead. I decided to tell people what was going on, and not keep it a secret. Communicating with people who care can be helpful. Try not to be frightened and filled with anxiety. Take life step by step, focusing on one thing at a time. I hope you can find a way to get the medication you need, however, as it will help make the hallucinations go away.

I have a job now and friends. I play piano, read books and watch movies. Life has gotten better for me. It can and will get better for you, too, if you don't give in to despair. I was in a very dark place too at one time. I suffered from anxiety and fear. Over time, the anxiety and fear have passed. I am in a place of light now. I can see that I had an illness and that there are things I needed to do in order to get better. Please believe that people care about you. I do not know you, but I care about you and want you to have hope and be strong. You may write to me at this email address.

Mercedes Von Kaenel
这是机器翻译吗= =|||


您好 我写信给你,向你,能得到更好的生活. 你是一个黑暗的地方,但有光明和希望,你到那儿生活. 我是在几年前被诊断有精神分裂症. 我41岁. 我吃药(ABILIFY),这有助于我没有幻觉(视觉和听觉). 用药之前,我已经坏幻觉. 我听到的声音,威胁要杀死我,引起了我的种种伤害. 想吓唬我的声音. 我什至想过要自杀控制我的生命,但我很高兴我的声音,决定打. 我决定告诉人们发生什么事,不要有秘密. 沟通可以帮助人照顾. 尽量不要害怕,忧心如焚. 采取循序渐进的生活,是一件事的时候. 我希望你能找到你需要得到治疗,因为它可使幻觉消失. 现在我有工作和朋友. 我弹钢琴、看书、看电影. 有更好的生活,我就打. 它可以和会更好你也不会放弃你绝望. 我是一个非常黑暗的地方也有一次. 我因焦虑和恐惧. 随着时间的推移,焦虑、恐惧已过去了. 我现在考虑的地方. 我看到了我的病,我有些事情需要做,以便更好. 请相信,人民关心你. 我不知道你,但我关心你,希望你也希望和坚. 你给我写在这个电子邮件地址. VonKaenel奔驰