
来源:百度文库 编辑:查人人中国名人网 时间:2024/09/14 22:27:08
George Washington's Breakfast by Jean Fritz is about a young boy,
George W.Allen,who wants to solve a very special problem.
George Washington was born on George Washington's birthday and was named after him.George wants to find out everything he can about our first President.He already knows where President Washington lived and how tall he was.But after school one day he decides to find the answer to just one more question---what George Washington ate for breakfast.He looks for the answer in the school library and in his own house.His parents even take him on a weekend trip to Washington,D.C.,and Mt. Vernon,where George Washington lived.

Jean Fritz 的《乔治·华盛顿的早餐》写一个名叫George W.Allen的年轻男孩,他想解决一个非常特殊的问题。
George W.Allen出生于乔治·华盛顿的生日并且因乔治·华盛顿而取名。小乔治想找到自己能找到的关于“我们”的第一位总统的所有事情。他已经知道了华盛顿总统住在哪里以及他有多高。但是放学后的一天,他决定去为一个问题寻找答案——乔治·华盛顿的早餐吃什么?他在学校的图书馆和自己的家里找寻着答案。他的父母甚至周末带着他去华盛顿特区和Mt. Vernon这些乔治·华盛顿居住过的地方。