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来源:百度文库 编辑:查人人中国名人网 时间:2024/10/02 19:27:01
(一)In fact, low-cost robots permit one to achieve good results with no great expense and no extended preliminary work is needed to enable a student to be confident with a robotic system.
In addition, laboratory experiences with low-cost robots can be very useful for young engineers and investi- gators to attack problems with complex systems without initial difficulties, because, by using low-cost robots, they can study specific problems or aspects without loss of gen-erality.
In summary, teaching with low-cost robots can give interesting results and satisfactions, even in research-oriented aspects, with no great expenses and complexity. Low-cost robots can be used successfully for teaching robot use and advanced automation with a basic background that can be considered similar worldwide, because low-cost robots can be available everywhere. Experiences at the Laboratory of Robotics and Mechatronics in Cassino Specific experiments with satisfactory results for teaching and research are illustrated by teaching and research activi-ties that have been and are being carried out at LARM in Cassino. The results shown in Figures 6–9 are illustrative examples of what can be done with such an approach, even with a small group of investigators and no great These features give the possibility to use and investigate low-cost robots all around the world with no limitation on available funds, instrumentation, and past experience in robotics. funding. In fact, the staff of LARM consists of a professor, an assistant professor, one Ph.D. student, and five master’s students per year. Indeed, the design approach by which robotic and mechatronic systems have been and are still
investigated and experimentally studied at LARM has been based on the aim to develop systems that can be considered as an extension of automatic systems and,
therefore, can be easily built and operated. Thus, at LARM, design and practice activities have been carried out and are still underway through research projects and master’s theses mainly with the following robotic systems (Figure 6): a biped walking robot two-finger grippers an articulated finger for human-like hands a parallel manipulator.

实际上, 便宜的机器人允许你达到好结果没有巨大费用并且延长的初步工作不是需要的使学生是确信的以一个机器人系统。另外, 实验室经验与便宜的机器人可能是非常有用的为年轻工程师并且investi- gators 攻击有复杂系统的问题没有最初的困难, 因为, 由使用便宜的机器人, 他们能学习具体问题或方面没有普通性损失。总之, 教与便宜的机器人装于罐中给有趣的结果和满意, 在针对研究的方面, 没有巨大费用和复杂。便宜的机器人可能成功地被使用为教的机器人用途和先进的自动化以可能被认为相似全世界的基本的背景, 因为便宜的机器人可能取得到到处。经验在机器人学和Mechatronics 实验室在Cassino 具体实验以令人满意的结果为教和研究由是和被执行在LARM 在Cassino 的教和研究活动说明。结果被显示在上图6-9 是什么的说明例子可能做以这样方法, 以一个小小组调查员并且伟大这些特点不给可能性用途和调查便宜的机器人所有在世界没有局限在可利用的资金、仪器工作, 和经验在机器人学资助。实际上, LARM 的职员包括一位教授、一名助理教授、一名Ph.D. 学生, 和五名主要学生每年。的确, 机器人和mechatronic 系统是和仍然被调查和实验性地被学习在LARM 的设计方法根据目标开发被考虑作为自动系统引伸和可能, 因此, 被修造和容易地被管理的系统。因而, 在LARM, 设计和实践活动仍然被执行了和是进行中通过研究计划和硕士论文主要以以下机器人系统(图6): 一个biped 走的机器人二手指抓爪一个被明确表达的手指为human-like 手一台平行的操作器。