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请翻译下面一段话,谢谢谢谢了。翻译好了另有加分,不要直接用什么快译软件的。Real-life fire scenarios
If CAF fixed-pipe systems were to be used in real-life applications,NRC researchers realized, they’d have to demonstrate the systems’performance in fire scenarios that could occur in real life. To that end,they identified a pool fire and a spill fire, combined with packagedflammable liquids on shelving, as two typical scenarios against whichthey could demonstrate the CAF fixed-pipe systems’ performance.Both these scenarios resemble arrangements found in hardware stores,paint stores, and building supply stores, as well as flammable liquidsstorage rooms in a number of occupancies.
As shown in Figure 2, the experiments were conducted in a highopen and closed room with a ceiling. The room measured 9.8 feetby11.9 feet by 9.8 feet (3 meters by 3.65 meters by 3 meters). The struc-ture itself was constructed of welded steel tubing with a 26-gaugesteel sheet ceiling. The floor of the test area had curbs 7.9 inches (200millimeters) high to contain spills. For the open space tests, the sidesof the test room, other than the curbs, were open to the burn hail.
The test room contained a steel table 7.5 feet long, 3.2 feet wide,and 3.2 feet high (2.3 meters by 1 meter by 1 meter) and two steelshelving units 3.2 feet long, 0.9 feet wide, and 7.5 feet high (1 meter
by 0.3 meters by 2.3 meters), containing seven equally spaced shelves.

如图2,这一试验是在有高顶棚或无顶棚的房间进行的,房屋大小9.8 *11.9 *9.8英尺,为钢管架结构,顶棚为26mm厚钢板,测试地板有7.9英尺高翻边,以防飞溅。露天测试时,测试间的四壁,而不是翻边暴露于火中。测试间有一钢制桌子7.5 l*3.2 w*3.2 h,两个铁架子3.2 l*0.9 w*7.5 h。包括7个等间距的搁架。

If CAF fixed-pipe systems were to be used in real-life applications,NRC researchers realized, they’d have to demonstrate the systems’performance in fire scenarios that could occur in real life. To that end,they identified a pool fire and a spill fire, combined with packagedflammable liquids on shelving, as two typical scenarios against whichthey could demonstrate the CAF fixed-pipe systems’ performance.Both these scenarios resemble arrangements found in hardware stores,paint stores, and building supply stores, as well as flammable liquidsstorage rooms in a number of occupancies.
As shown in Figure 2, the experiments were conducted in a highopen and closed room with a ceiling. The room measured 9.8 feetby11.9 feet by 9.8 feet (3 meters by 3.65 meters by 3 meters). The struc-ture itself was constructed of welded steel tubing with a 26-gaugesteel sheet ceiling. The floor of the test area had curbs 7.9 inches (200millimeters) high to contain spills. For the open space tests, the sidesof the test room, other than the curbs, were open to the burn hail.
The test room contained a steel table 7.5 feet long, 3.2 feet wide,and 3.2 feet high (2.3 meters by 1 meter by 1 meter) and two steelshelving units 3.2 feet long, 0.9 feet wide, and 7.5 feet high (1 meter
by 0.3 meters by 2.3 meters), containing seven equally spaced shelves.

如果被修理的 CAF-管系统是被用于现实的申请,NRC 研究员了解,他们将会必须在可以在真正的生活方面发生的火情节中示范 systems'performance。对那一个结束,他们识别了池火和溢出火,在搁板上和 packagedflammable 液体结合了, 因为对抗 whichthey 的二个典型的情节可以示范 CAF 固定-管系统的表现。两者的这些情节相似 , 安排在五金店中发现,油漆商店,而且建筑物在一些占有中供应商店 , 连同易燃的 liquidsstorage 房间。
如图 2 所示,实验在和天花板的 highopen 和关闭房间被引导。 房间测量了 9.8 feetby 11.9 X 9.8 尺 (3 公尺的 3 X 3.65 公尺) 。 struc-ture 本身和 26 gaugesteel 的张天花板的被焊接的钢装管被构造。 测试区域的地板让了抑制 7 寸高度包含溢出。 对于开着的空间测试, sidesof 除了抑制之外的测试房间对烧伤冰雹开放。
测试房间包含了钢的表 7.5 尺长的,3.2 尺宽的 , 和 3.2 尺高的 (1 公尺的 2.3 X 1 公尺) 和 3.2 尺二个 steelshelving 单位长的,0.9 尺宽的 , 和 7.5 尺高的 (1 公尺
0.3 X 2.3 公尺), 包含七相等地隔开了架。