sing ed sheeran学唱:求助翻译

来源:百度文库 编辑:查人人中国名人网 时间:2024/10/06 22:16:22
摘 要
操作系统:Windows2000 Server。
服务器软件环境:Apache Tomcat,MySQL,Java2 SDK。
本系统分为用户端和管理端两大块,用户端主要有用户个人信息管理、信息浏览、信息查询、购物以及前台订单功能;管理端主要有发布商品、用户管理、商品管理、货款管理和订单管理功能。各个功能模块的详细功能:(1)个人信息管理功能模块:用户登录、 用户注册、 用户信息查看、 用户信息修改、 取回密码、 用户注销。(2)信息浏览功能模块:查看商品列表、 新货上架、 缺货登记、查看特价商品内容、查看订单。(3)信息查询模块功能:可以按书名 、作者、 出版社查询,也可按商品类别查询。(4)购物功能模块:将物品放入购物车 ,浏览购物车,确定所购物品后提交订单。(5)前台订单查看功能模块:查看订单信息及其状态。(6)发布功能模块:管理员登录后,可以发布新的商品信息。(7)用户管理功能模块:管理员登录后,可以查看用户的基本信息、删除对应用户。(8)商品管理功能模块:管理员登录后,可以分类查看商品信息,删除商品和修改商品信息。(9)货款管理功能模块:管理员确定货款到达帐户后,修改货款状态,以便处理订单信息。(10)后台订单管理功能模块:管理员登录后,可以查看订单列表, 删除订单 设置订单状态。系统中所有对数据库的操作和页面的逻辑操作都进行了封装,这样使得系统的各个部分模块化,提高了代码的重用性。
本系统采用jsp技术。其最大的优点就是适用的平台广,易于维护和修改。JavaServer Pages技术可以让web开发人员和设计人员非常容易的创建和维护动态网页,特别是目前的商业系统,由于JSP网页能够根据需要自动进行编译,web设计人员无须重新编译应用程序逻辑就可以改变表述代码。本系统界面清晰,功能齐全,安全稳定,简单易用。

With the increasing development of network technology, the Internet shopping has quietly entered our lives, its arrival changed our traditional way of life, let us learn to be able to buy things. In this convenient behind the inevitable existence of a perfect shopping system support. The system used in the development platforms : Operating system : Windows 2000 Server. Server software environment : Apache Tomcat,MySQL,Java2 SDK. Software development software environment : Lomboz. The system is divided into two pieces-management and user-users-primarily users of personal information management, information access, information enquiries, shopping and prospects orders functions; Management-mainly by commodity, user management, commodity management, loan management and order management functions. Various functional modules detailed functions : (1) personal information management functions modules : users download, user registration, user information access, user information changes, recover passwords, user cancelled. (2) information visit functional modules : check merchandise table, new goods store, Quehuodengji, check Special offer merchandise content, check orders. (3) Information Referral module functions : to the title, authors, publishers enquiries also be merchandise categories enquiries. (4) shopping functional modules : items into a shopping cart, visit a shopping cart, after determining the shopping goods orders submitted. (5) prospects for check orders functional modules : check orders and state information. (6) released functional modules : managers posted, they can release new products information. (7) user management function modules : managers posted, users can check basic information, delete the corresponding users. (8) management of the functional modules of commodities : managers recorded, the information can be categorized into commodities, goods and modified commodity information deleted. (9) the purchase price management function modules : account managers in determining the purchase price, the purchase price changes state to deal with orders information. (10) Background orders management function modules : managers posted, they can check scheduling orders, orders for orders to the state. All of the operating system and web database logic is a packaging operation, which makes parts modular system, improved code trusted. The system used SIDA technology. Its biggest advantages is the wide application platform, easy to maintain and modify. JavaServer Pages technology allows designers web开发 and very easy to establish and maintain dynamic web pages, especially the current commercial system, according to the JSP page automatic translation needs, web designers without recompilation of applications logic can be changed by code. The system interface clear, functional, security and stability, and user-friendly. Keyword : shopping network; Shopping technology system ;jsp