
来源:百度文库 编辑:查人人中国名人网 时间:2024/10/04 03:22:40
光子晶体光纤在1992年由ST.J.Russell等人提出。与普通单模光纤不同,PCF是由其中周期性排列空气孔的单一石英材料构成,所以又被称为多孔光纤(holey fiber)或微结构光纤(micro-structured fiber)。由于PCF的空气孔的排列和大小有很大的控制余地,可以根据需要设计PCF的光传输特性,所以它激起了人们浓厚的兴趣。本文就是抓住这一热点,利用beamprop软件对光子晶体光纤的传输特性进行模拟,通过改变光纤的孔间距、占空比等参数来观察模场的变化。在此基础上具体设计了一个椭圆双包层结构,通过beamprop软件模拟其传输特性。

Photon crystal fibre in 1992 by ST.J.Russell and others. Ordinary singlemode fiber with different PCF is ranked by the cyclical single quartz materials constitute air Kong, also known as porous fibre (holey fiber), or micro-fibre structure (micro-structured fiber). Since PCF air Kong ranked the size of a large control room and can be designed according to the PCF optical transmission characteristics, it has stimulated interest. This is seize this hot, using software to photon beamprop crystal fibre transmission characteristics of a simulation, by changing the optical spacing Kong, Zhankongbi parameters to observe changes in the national market. On the basis of a specific design oval double cladding structure, through its transmission characteristics beamprop simulation software.