
来源:百度文库 编辑:查人人中国名人网 时间:2024/09/21 07:05:56

In ancient China, transportation from the North to the South on land posed great difficulties for trade, so in 605 A.D. Emperor Sui Yangdi ordered that the Great Canal be built. Since then the Great Canal has become the link that joins the North and the South of China.

In ancient China, and would like to do business from the land exchanges in the South and the North is very difficult, so the year 605, Emperor Yangdi in Sui dynasty ordered built Grand Canal. Since then it has become the Grand Canal linking the North and South China ties.

In the ancient times China, wanted to do business from the land route intercourse in the North and South is very difficult, therefore the A.D. 605 years, Emperor Yangdi in Sui dynasty issued an order to construct the Grand Canal. Will turn from then on the Grand Canal has connected the Chinese North and South the link.

in the ancient China, it's very difficult to trade between Southern and Northern by land.so in the 605A,D., the emperor 隋炀帝(拼音) decide to build the Grant Canal, from then, the Grant Canal became the link between the South and North


In the ancient times of China, it is diffcult to do the business among the north and the sorth. So in the A.D.605,the Emperor Yangdi who is the king of sui dynasty made a command to built the Grand Canal. Form then, the Great Canal became one of the connects of the north China and the sorth China.