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来源:百度文库 编辑:查人人中国名人网 时间:2024/10/06 14:11:40
对人和事物不要有任何偏见,要有公正客观的态度对待它们.而且不能随便听信别人的话,要用自己的眼睛去看----眼见为实! 怎么翻译谢了谢了

one should deal with people and things in a fair and objective way, having no bias towards them. besides you shouldn't believe other's words easily. try to use your own eyes to see - seeing is believing

Don't have to have any prejudice to the person and the thing, have to have fair objective attitude to treat them.And can't listen to and believe the other people's words literally, use oneself's eyes see----The eye sees for solid