
来源:百度文库 编辑:查人人中国名人网 时间:2024/10/06 15:54:10

纽卡斯尔拥有极其完备的交通设施,海上,陆地,空中应有尽有,你随时都可以以你喜欢的方式到达你想到的任何地方。从纽卡斯尔向南不到两小时的车程就能到悉尼,向西走沿海高速路再转新英格兰(New England Highway)高速路大约两个半小时便可到达昆士兰州首府布里斯班(Brisbane)。纽城还拥有自己的机场,每天都有飞往澳大利亚各地的航班。火车站作为悉尼铁路枢纽网的组成部分,每天都有开往四面八方的火车从这里经过。作为一座海滨城市,纽卡斯尔还有便捷的海上运输线,从这里出发可以到达全国所有港口。

纽卡斯尔是一个旅游城市,纽卡斯尔人多数从事服务业和运输业,由于这里几乎没有旅游淡季,因此,这里人从来不愁没有事干没有钱赚,人们的生活比较富裕,当地政府也因此财源广进,并且每年还要投入大量资金以改进旅游服务设施。当地政府也十分重视教育,每年对此的投资仅次于对旅游的投资,本地拥有一所在澳大利亚很有名的大学-纽卡斯尔大学(University of Newcastle),该校成立于1965年,共有大概20000在校学生,其中有近1000多留学生,澳大利亚是一个移民国家,不存在种族歧视,纽卡斯尔也一样,当地人对外国人很友善,政府也支持学校招收留学生,再加上本地良好的自然环境,来这里留学是个很好的选择。 当地留有很多殖民时期的建筑,如耶酥大教堂(Christ Church Cathedral)。当然,要想了解当地历史,你还可以到以及海事博物馆(Maritime Museum)和纽卡斯尔地区博物馆(Newcastle Regional Museum)看看,这里有从建城初期至今所有的资料,是到本地旅游必去之地。除此之外,到了海滨城市,最主要还是看海,这里有著名的白沙滩,是本地居民的骄傲,无论你在城市任何角落,都会有人推荐你去白沙滩,现在,那里已经成为本地的象征。在市区中,零零星星地分布着很多街心公园,最著名的是King Edward公园(King Edward Park)和市民公园(Civic Park),它们是本地居民散步的主要场所。如果你喜欢夜生活,街边大大小小的酒吧,咖啡屋,舞厅随时等着您的光临,大部分都营业到夜里3点,绝对让你满意。


Newcastle City with its rich history and unique culture and traditions, and beautiful natural landscape peerless annually from around the world to attract thousands of tourists into Australia's most popular tourist cities. The city is located in the east coast of Australia, in hunters Valley Center is a seaside city. Four Seas wind blowing here a year, the climate is very pleasant, neither hot summer, the average temperature of 18-25 degrees Celsius in between;
Nor harsh winter, the temperature in the 8-14 degrees Celsius. But with my season on the contrary, from June to August is winter, only 6-7 hours of sunlight daily average time from December to February is summer, 13-14 hours a day bathed in sunlight. Newcastle have extremely comprehensive transport facilities, sea, land, air everything you can to keep the way you like your mind to any place. Less than two hours from Newcastle southwards journey will be to Sydney, then westward to the New England coastal highways (New England Highway), about two and a half hours of high-speed roads to reach Queensland capital Brisbane (6,970). New Zealand also have their own city airport, daily flights to various parts of Australia. Sydney railway station as a hub network components, daily trains from here after traveling all directions. As a coastal city, Newcastle is convenient sea transport routes from here can reach all ports nationwide. Newcastle is a tourist city, the majority of people in Newcastle and transport services, because almost no tourist low season here, and it has no worries about people without money do not matter, people's life more affluent, thus making local government, and also to invest a large amount of money each year to improve tourist services. The local government also attaches great importance to education, this annual investment in tourism after the investment, with a local name of the host Australian universities - the University of Newcastle (University of Newcastle), the school was founded in 1965, a total of about 20,000 students at school, which nearly more than 1,000 students, Australia is a country of immigration, racial discrimination did not exist, Newcastle is the same, the locals are very friendly to foreigners, the government also supports schools to recruit students, coupled with good local natural environment here is a good study choice. Leaving many of the local colonial buildings, such as Jesus Cathedral (Christ Church Cathedral). Of course, we understand the local history, and you also can go to the Marine Museum (Maritime Museum) and the Newcastle area museums (Newcastle Regional Museum), see here from all of the city early date information is essential to the local tourism places. In addition to the coastal city, the most important is to see the sea, there is the famous white beach, is the pride of the local residents, irrespective of any corner in your city will recommend you to someone white sand, and now, there has become a local symbol. In the urban areas, were sparsely distributed to many center of boulevards Park, most notably the King Edward Park (King Edward Park) and the Park (Civic Park), which is the main forum for local residents to take a walk. If you like nightlife, streets small bars, cafes, discotheques keep waiting for your presence, the majority of business to 15:00, absolutely let you satisfaction. In short, Newcastle is a good city, whether tourist, studying or living here you have to meet all the needs of even harsh to you.